Good evening it's been a cold day here today, wasn't out of bed that long when I got a text from two of the grandsons to see if I could give them a lift over to school as they had missed the bus, (I will need to find out if they have been talking or up close to their cousin, just incase there is something catching going around
) anyway took them to school, before getting ready to go for an Xray of my wrist, then doing some shopping, OH came with me, which always helps getting her moving, after that we visited our friend, first visit in five weeks, and boy did those two women talk, though we hadn't seen her for five weeks they are on the phone to one another every second day and any one of the two could talk a gramophone to scrap iron
, when we finaly got home I went out 5he back for a time where I sawed up some logs and moved more of the lettuce into the greenhouse, I also had to take DiL over to the school as it was a parents night for one of the boys, son was getting away early from work and would meet her at school, as I was near our oldest grandson work I told our daughter I would collect him from his work, really so that she could get in and give OH her final jag as grandson has been a bit late recently this would let her get home early, fortunately GS was finished early and daughter was running late so I was back in the house before she arrived, life's funny sometimes
, need to go out tomorrow and get my hearing aid sorted as it has stopped working for some reason, personally I think it burnt out with all the talking the two women were doing earlier, but don't think I will mention that to OH in some circumstances it's a true saying "silence is golden" along with discretion is the better part of valor
and with that I will wish you all a goodnight. Goodnight 
