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General chitchat
Got something non-GYO related to get off your chest? Feel free to talk about anything you like! (Keep it clean)
Topics: 19,555 Posts: 571,205
Last Post: Chitchat thread #24
19,555Threads 571,205Posts
Latest post by greenishfing
Chitchat thread #24
Introduce Yourself!
New to the forum? Why not introduce yourself and let us know who you are and your interests!
Topics: 3,239 Posts: 38,891
Last Post: Hi I’m Diane
3,239Threads 38,891Posts
Latest post by nick the grief
Hi I’m Diane
Grapes Recommendations
Are you buying a new spade, perhaps a food processor or maybe a cookery book. This is the place to come for The Grapes recommendations
Topics: 1,347 Posts: 13,687
Last Post: Lily of the valley
1,347Threads 13,687Posts
Latest post by Snoop Puss
Lily of the valley

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