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Welcome to #growwithgyo
#growwithgyo is the new nationwide grow-along you need to be part of!
Topics: 30 Posts: 94
Last Post: Returning Member
30Threads 94Posts
Latest post by bramble
Returning Member
On the Plot
Vegging Out
Hints, tips and queries about your vegetable crop
Topics: 24,353 Posts: 354,075
24,353Threads 354,075Posts
Feeling Fruity
Fruit trees, bushes and vines in the spotlight
Topics: 7,826 Posts: 66,904
Last Post: Musa Basjoo
7,826Threads 66,904Posts
Latest post by Snoop Puss
Musa Basjoo
Rule the Roost
Everything chicken related
Topics: 5,493 Posts: 73,782
Last Post: Hen dominance
5,493Threads 73,782Posts
Latest post by Plot70
Hen dominance
New Shoots
Get a helping hand with advice for novice gardeners...
Topics: 5,788 Posts: 58,366
5,788Threads 58,366Posts
Latest post by Andraste
Understanding Spring Onions
Allotment Advice
For serious vegetable growers
Topics: 3,904 Posts: 53,044
3,904Threads 53,044Posts
Latest post by Plot70
I am allowed on a Private plot
The Flower Mill
Best ways to grow non-edibles
Topics: 4,064 Posts: 36,405
Last Post: Hollyhocks
4,064Threads 36,405Posts
Latest post by mothhawk
The Seed Swap
Swap your unwanted seeds for ones you need. Looking for particular seeds?, try posting here...
Topics: 1,810 Posts: 17,597
1,810Threads 17,597Posts
Latest post by goosander
Melon pear seeds. [pepino.]
Undercover Operations
The place to discuss greenhouses, polytunnels and cloches
Topics: 2,585 Posts: 28,722
Last Post: Greenhouse purchase
2,585Threads 28,722Posts
Latest post by rary
Greenhouse purchase
Wildlife Gardening
Share your experiences and tips on attracting beneficial wildlife
Topics: 1,601 Posts: 20,060
Last Post: Solitary bees
1,601Threads 20,060Posts
Latest post by Nicos
Solitary bees
The Herb Bed
Help, Tips & Advice about Growing your own Herbs.
Topics: 1,109 Posts: 11,827
1,109Threads 11,827Posts
Latest post by Marb67
Scabby, scrappy Lavenders
Allotment Finder
A place to discuss & find local Allotments
Topics: 619 Posts: 5,001
619Threads 5,001Posts
Latest post by GingerWench
Looking for Allotment Northampton
Fruit & Vegetable Showcase
Post pictures of your prize winning crop & talk about your techniques for growing.
Topics: 782 Posts: 8,672
782Threads 8,672Posts
Latest post by Bren In Pots
Virtual fruit and veg Show 2024
Garden DIY Tips
Fancy sprucing up your fencing or want build a shed? Give your garden a new lease of life with practical DIY tips and advice.
Topics: 808 Posts: 10,281
808Threads 10,281Posts
Latest post by ameno
Apple tree needing some help!
What's the Buzz?
Fellow beekeepers share their advice
Topics: 240 Posts: 2,040
240Threads 2,040Posts
Latest post by Nicos
Any beekeepers updates?
Archived Growing Techniques
A place for the more informative and technical aspects of growing your own
Topics: 58 Posts: 9,743
58Threads 9,743Posts
Latest post by BeatriceCallan
List of organic N:P:K values....
Off Topic
General chitchat
Got something non-GYO related to get off your chest? Feel free to talk about anything you like! (Keep it clean)
Topics: 19,555 Posts: 571,214
Last Post: Just for fun #7
19,555Threads 571,214Posts
Latest post by bramble
Just for fun #7
Introduce Yourself!
New to the forum? Why not introduce yourself and let us know who you are and your interests!
Topics: 3,239 Posts: 38,891
Last Post: Hi I’m Diane
3,239Threads 38,891Posts
Latest post by nick the grief
Hi I’m Diane
Grapes Recommendations
Are you buying a new spade, perhaps a food processor or maybe a cookery book. This is the place to come for The Grapes recommendations
Topics: 1,347 Posts: 13,687
Last Post: Lily of the valley
1,347Threads 13,687Posts
Latest post by Snoop Puss
Lily of the valley
In the Kitchen
Season to Taste
Recipes and Cooking advice for transforming your crop
Topics: 2,316 Posts: 36,363
Last Post: Cooking Tonight #5
2,316Threads 36,363Posts
Latest post by Snoop Puss
Cooking Tonight #5
Juicy Gossip
Wine, cider, beer, cordial - homemade beverages are hard to beat
Topics: 666 Posts: 8,907
Last Post: Fruit press
666Threads 8,907Posts
Latest post by JanieB
Fruit press
Making the Most...
Preserving this month's fruit and vegetables
Topics: 839 Posts: 9,663
839Threads 9,663Posts
Latest post by Andraste
2024 So far this year I have preserved.....
Over the Fence
Digging Around
News and rumours from the world of GYO with advice on compost, recycling and conservation.
Topics: 908 Posts: 9,784
908Threads 9,784Posts
Latest post by Mark Rand
Composting wool felt
Growing in Schools
Give kids a go at growing their own with information about classroom and playground plots. Including tips for child-safe plants and hardy summer-survivors.
Topics: 28 Posts: 396
28Threads 396Posts
Latest post by Bren In Pots
Gardening with a two year old
Top Tips
Share your best advice and suggestions
Topics: 1,171 Posts: 13,288
Last Post: Wood shavings
1,171Threads 13,288Posts
Latest post by mothhawk
Wood shavings
Weather and Climate
Your Weather and Climate Board
Topics: 232 Posts: 8,078
232Threads 8,078Posts
Latest post by DannyK
Rainbows over the plot
Weeds, Pests and Diseases
Ridding your plot of harmful insects and disorders
Topics: 2,395 Posts: 22,295
2,395Threads 22,295Posts
Latest post by Bren In Pots
Anyone got blight yet?
The Magazine Rack
Grow Your Own Magazine
Discuss the new issue and share your top tips.
Topics: 236 Posts: 3,136
236Threads 3,136Posts
Latest post by Nicos
Subscription helpline…

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