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  • Sun up and cake baking before 6 am? You put me to shame.

    Anyway, courgettes and toms at last in the ground. Today's jobs: plant out cabbages, which are getting a bit desperate, and get two beds ready, one for onions and the other for peppers and aubergines. Come the weekend, I'll feel like I'm getting somewhere.

    Yesterday's insect life included a few crickets, two scolopendra (which I absolutely hate and hence dispatch if I'm suitably armed) and vast numbers of wolf spiders. I'm wary of wolf spiders at close quarters but love seeing their eyes glow in torch light. They look just like a pair of sparkly sapphires.

    Hope you all have a great day today.


    • Not so hot and dull here...and I'm tired so a great start to the day!

      Morning everyone, hope you have a lovely day!


      • Mornin Flon'all n'all!

        Tis a Bank Holiday here tomorrow(Ascension Day) so need to get outdoor noisy stuff done today...mowing lawns etc.

        Have a great un peeps
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning all, very sunny here. Tis lovely
          Am off to BQ later for more MPC and buckets to house my newly acquired tomato plants
          Only two sweetcorn up out of eight seeds, still time though
          Still not one carrot up, planted loads. Grr
          Got a potentially good strawberry patch going too
          My Cala Lilly looks magnificent, will take a photo and post it later
          Have a great day everyone, nearly forgot, roofer coming today to sort out leaking chimney pot, we will be £300 lighter
          Nannys make memories


          • Afternoon all. Very hot and dry again. Too hot in the greenhouse but I plan to go in there this evening when it has cooled down so looking forward to that.

            I see some lovely looking raspberries starting to form and getting quite a few green tomatoes. The lettuce is so close and I can't wait to start picking that. Very frustrating waiting for things to be ready for eating
            LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


            • My hanging baskets look fantastic. 3 have only been out for 24 hours but already plants are perking up and heading for the sun.

              I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. One of my new ndn's cats has been given one of those collars where it can come and go as it pleases. Unfortunately it pleases to roam around on the roof outside my bedroom window. My dogs sleep with me on my bed. They have been growling and barking at random times during the night for 5 nights now. I could leave the dogs downstairs but that means both they and me miss our "cuddle" time. I live on my own and am reluctant to give up on this. But I'm kn@ck3r3d.
              "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
              "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


              • Good evening, not much done today, grandson still off school, did go to an aldi shop where they were selling 4 non-stop begonias for £1.99, so bought some and went to the checkout, where me standing with a couple of packs in my hands and the woman in front with a full trolley, she kindly let me go in front of her and once I sat the packs down I turned and asked her if she could move as side to let my wife in with her trolley, she actually moved to the side then realised what I said then realised I was winding her up, I think I brightened her day up as it finished with some friendly chat. The weather has been cloudy but warm today and cleared up a bit about six, I have left some plants out overnight but the leaves are still not all out on the ash tree so will need to monitor the temperature yet. Well time for bed as the boy's will be down the back of seven tomorrow, so I wish you all a good day tomorrow, try and make someone happy. Goodnight
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Morning, not sure if I'm last in or first up? Harry dog is having another bad night and son arrives back around 6 am so I guess this is going to be another sleepless night...not sure how I'm still going to be honest. As rary says it was dull until about 6 ish when the sun decided to make an appearance, think it has to be better tomorrow. Anyhoo I'm just rambling so will sign off for now. Goodnight/morning, take your pick.


                  • Premorning to you too Jay.
                    So sorry Harry isn't doing too well, bet he appreciates your support I'll thank you on his behalf xxxxxx-and a hug too (xxx)

                    Any chance you can grab a short siesta/40 winks(as my grandpa called it) at some point tomorrow? to try and take care of yourself too you know?

                    I'm going to try and get back to sleep too now.....see ya later....
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Still here, got a couple of short naps but think I've seen every half hour on the clock rather than every hour! Do you know the dawn chorus starts around 3.30am


                      • Up early to get some paid work done. Spent far longer in the veg patch yesterday than I meant to so am very behind. Anyway, all the autumn cabbages and a few extra summer cabbages now in the ground. Oh and a load of lettuce. Plus some Summer Purple (sprouting broccoli). Never grown that before. Hope we like it. I really like the late winter stuff.

                        Still to rotavate a couple of beds before heading off to a local nursery tomorrow to get lots of other bits and bobs. Looks like a busy few days ahead! And then it'll be long rounds of watering to keep it all alive.

                        Mr Snoop bought me a new watering can yesterday. Best one I've ever had. What a lucky lass I am!

                        Hope you all have a great day today.


                        • Good Morning All Another sunny one. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning Crew - A days training yesterday the other side of London, today we have been informed the stare lift is coming Friday now, I have work to do and it looks so nice out there this morning I'm going to have to squeeze some sowing in today somehow around the work and fitting the carpet offcuts from the stairs hall and landing into my utility cupboard broom cupboard office which is 8ft by 5ft 2.4m x 1.5m but due to desk and workstation and two filing cabinets one side and floor to ceiling bookshelves on the other only has a 700mm wide strip down the middle.
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Morning all, bad nights sleep for me too, what's new.
                              Yes, I do know the dawn chorus starts at 3.30 am Jay. I'd rather not, but it is a beautiful sound and they all go back to bed. Unlike us .....
                              I now have 11 tomato plants , that 6 more than I wanted. Why do I never say no?
                              Just walked around the garden, it's full of pots and buckets of greenery, lovely
                              Oh, and these.
                              There was two photos to show, but the computer says no.
                              Attached Files
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Morning campers,my was it hot or what yesterday,today is said to hotter,hope you all all well,and sleep can be had by those who need it,the ideal time is early afternoon out the heat,ti's house work morning when my fairy arrives,keep safe out the sun if you can.
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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