Good morning heavy dark cloud cover this morning, so expect it will be a wet day today, was wakened twice by OH through the night, the second time just before six and couldn't get back to sleep, though to be fair my wrist felt as if it was on fire, as I think I have damaged a tendon, so decided to get up and read my book, I will get to the doctor once OH is able to attend to herself, however I can't let an opportunity like this pass, OH will think that I couldn't get back to sleep because I had to get out of bed to help her, so I will just have a lazy day, as I am a bit tired due to being wakened out of my sleep twice
just a pity she isn't able to carry cups of tea and plates of biscuits while walking with crutches
will see how the day goes. I hope you all have a good day and stay out of bother, but most important pass on your smiles
