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What I did today - 2015


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  • Sort out a couple of raised beds, compost in a couple of planters, re-sited my Q tyres, planted the celeriac that I had originally grown for the lottie and generally enjoyed the aerobatic show performed by the empty plant pots as the wind rocketed around the garden.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • Over the weekend I potted on my various summer squash and tomatoes into slightly bigger pots, fussed over the sweetcorn which has finally germinated and re-potted the fruit trees that arrived 2 weeks ago. I also helped my neighbour put up the gate that he so kindly built for me. It just needs to be stained now, so that's a job for my next free day


      • Yesterday - first every day on the allotment. Cleaned up some of the rubbish (helped by lovely husband) and I planted squash, sprouts, cauliflowers, onions and spinach.

        Today - Planted some flowers along with potatoes and carrots (indoor and out... really is just trial and error at this point, not really got a clue what I'm doing!)


        • I did NOT sow seeds as the ones I had to do were the tiny little critters and combined with the gale force wind I would have been re-enacting mission impossible
          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


          • Well today, I harvested all of my purple sprouting broccoli, got 2 buckets full of flowers, stems and a few leaves. Could have had more but just havn't got the room room for them in the freezer. I needed the space for my spuds which are going in very late this year, but there'll be alreet!

            Dug the garden over and hoyed a few beans along the back fence, some chitted, some not. Hoyed a few chitted peas in as well, the ones I tried to make sure the peas were ok. Also hoyed my little pea plant in which was the first pea I chitted when I got my pea seeds.

            Successful day. I would have done more but I was getting wrong off my pair of blue tits which are nesting in my nest box next to my garden plot. They are feeding chicks and won't go in to feed them whilst I am out there. So I had to keep coming in for 10 minutes at a time so the chicks could get a feed. In the end I just thought, I'll come back out tomorrow. It'll be the same story again tomorrow though with them. Little buggers haha!
            Last edited by Scoot; 06-05-2015, 02:19 PM.


            • Far too windy to do much at the lotty, so repotted some thai chilli, black beauty aubergine and sweet million tomatoes in the comfort of home.
              What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
              Pumpkin pi.


              • Went to the allotment to water and check on potted on tomatos and other stuff under cover all looked well, some sweetcorn are through.

                Watered sunflowers in other greenhouse- definitely not putting them out while there is so much low pressure about.

                Picked some greens for dinner

                Shed door had blown opened and let in a lot of water- I said karma would bite me!
                No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                • They say a pride before a fall! I have been so excited about my first vegetable garden and patting my back then the disaster. I had about 18 French Marigolds from seed in pots in my plastic 4 tray zip up greenhouse. Then the wind gusted up and toppled over the greenhouse (even with two large logs to weight it down) and all my pots were on the ground upside down and all over the place. So I have had to rescue them and re-pot the lot. I think I have saved them. Luckily I had earthed up my potatoes at the weekend and had my courgettes in the house.


                  • Well I planted the carrots I had in loo role and newspaper tubes today. Half of them anyway. The first half, I dug a trench, put them in and went to fill in the trench. Easier said than done. The soli was collapsing over them, there was gaps between them the soil was falling on top if the seedlings so I slightly lost my temper as they looked a complete joke and pulled them out. Kept the compost mind.

                    The other half I had to hand dig in with a trowel, took ages. Don't think I will be trying this method next year.


                    • Short visit to lottie to sort out chooks, Erected a dog cage and put brussel sprout seedling,cabbage seedlings and swede seedling in it to harden off. Easy way to keap the pigeons from decimating the brassicas!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • Weeded and watered my roots bed (it's currently under plastic). Carrots are up and will need some serious thinning at some point.

                        Was going to pot on all my toms/chillis/aubergines in the greenhouse, but there's a frost forecast tonight, so they can stay in their little pots until the weekend, as I'll have to hoik them all into the house tonight.


                        • Planted out my gutter sown Telephone and Purple Podded peas, plus some Beetroot.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Planted all my onion seedlings today, think there is about 100 of them

                            Havn't watered them though as there is rain forecast very soon.


                            • Had a nice relaxing day on the plot!

                              Pricked out n potted on!

                              The "Extension" on shed now coming into it's own!

                              Greenhouse n tunnel ready! I may! Just may set my "Toms n Chillies"
                              Attached Files
                              "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                              • Today I pricked out three varieties of cabbage and one of cauliflower.

                                I started the hardening -off process for the next batch of vegetables, including French beans, sweetcorn and ridge cucumbers.

                                I did a tour of inspection of my allotment and congratulated SWMBO on keeping an eye on things for the last fortnight. I considered blaming my bolting broccoli on her but it probably wouldn't stick.
                                My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                                Chrysanthemum notes page here.


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