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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • This weekend - several meals of french beans; courgettes (Romanesco, Nero di Milano), 3 meals of Charlotte potatoes from bags (look cute, steaming worked better than boiling); 3 cucumbers, including one that looks like a marrow (missed it in the jungle) and one yellow
    Tomatoes - still waiting for greenhouse ones to get there
    Aubergines - way too small still
    Chillis - Ancho there, but not sure what to do with it
    Sweet Pepper - still waiting

    Great fun!
    Also sowed 6 module trays with salad leaves, oriental veg etc for over-wintering...


    • another pound of big fat blackberries, raspberries too, one courgette, handful of French beans, lots of spring onions & carrots (brilliant year for carrots)
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • Originally posted by Jelliebabe View Post


        I had this for my tea last night with some homegrown courgette too!
        I am SOOO jealous.
        i've been picking toms, cues, courgettes & a few peppers for weeks & even a sweetcorn today but my aubergines (1 in the greenhouse & 2 in the garden) are pathetic.
        I sowed them in february & but they haven't set any fruit yet. Which is the best variety to grow?
        luckily they're 50p in Asda so I can still make my ratatouille.


        • ... and another 3 courgettes (missed one)
          and nearly a kg of Charlotte potatoes out of a bag (fighting off the ants)
          More tomatoes tomorrow I hope


          • Yesterday ... a carrier bag full of runner and french beans (we've been away and so I had not been to the plot since Tuesday), 6lbs of gherkins (!!!) 5 cucumbers, a courgette with aspirations to marrowdom, a big handful of dill and the last of my first early potatoes which are now only fit for roasting/baking ... they go to a lish if you show them any boiling water. I also 'accidentally harvested' my biggest potimarron squash - now I've got to find out how to deal with it. Today I shall be mostly pickling.


            • Tomatoes (Sungold & Gardener's Delight), courgettes, Little Gem lettuce, a handful of french and broad beans. And a bowlful of blackberries from the hedge alongside the lottie path.
              Last edited by rustylady; 09-08-2010, 06:27 PM. Reason: Forgot about the blackberries


              • Just been out into the greenhouse and picked my first Lemon tree tomato
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Various tomatoes, 5lb of opal plums, a few carrots, cucumber, 1 strawberry, the last of the black currents and an iceburg lettuce.


                  • So far this morning a bowlful of tomatoes from the greenhouse. Hoping to go lottie in a bit if the rain holds off.


                    • Today i harvested 3 tomatoes, an aubergine,some onions,runner beans,radish,lettuce and some rasps and thought of picking a huge turnip
                      Last edited by Strawberry delight; 10-08-2010, 05:06 PM.


                      • Enough aubs and chillies to make some pickle, french beans , the last (I think) few mange tout, more courgettes , more jerkins (including one hooge one ) ,blackberries and a couple of cucumbers.
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • the last of my onions.some radish and 6 large sweet peppers.
                          still waiting for my corn!
                          "if im not up the up the caravan"

                          bowers allotment society


                          • 1 lb black- and raspberries, courgettes, F.beans, spuds, chard, onions
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • yesterday - carrier bag half full of french and runner beans, 2 lbs of gherkins, a meal of potatoes from my late planted ones, and 8lbs of plums from a neighbour's plot - he donates the fruit, I make the chutney!


                              • I call it my chopping board of smugness, featuring Lettuce, beetroot, radish, some small peppers and FOUR green beans!
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