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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • FIGS, figs and yet more figs !
    You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

    I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


    • i harvested
      2 cucumbers,
      6 marmande tomatoes and
      6 gardener delight,
      1 courgette,
      a handful of french beans,
      a kilo of blackberries
      4 baby carrots from a late sowing ( to thin out)
      the last sweetcorn ( 4 iddy cobs that obviosuly hadn't fertilised very well)
      I also got harvested some celery sticks as cut and come again
      am wondering about whether to go out and fight the birds for some more mulberries, it makes a fantastic juice/cordial


      • more beans and courgettes for tea. Tiny but delicious carrots, roasted the red onions with another patty pan/yellow scallop squash and cooked the remaining potatoes from the bag I tipped out a few days ago.
        Picked some big spring onions for tomorrow and will be picking some CCA and a cucumber too to take to the seaside with us to nosh when we're there.
        Am I sick of roasted courgettes yet? Nope but my fridge is full of them and I can't give them away fast enough.
        Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


        • 3.5kg mixed shallots, every single one of them with wireworm damage which means they can't be saved and replanted. And there's not much left once peeled and the damaged part cut out.

          Yellow courgette
          Tomatoes for pasta sauce
          basil and oregano
          6 crystal lemon cukes
          a cabbage
          french beans

          All being salted for 24hrs before pickling (need to use up the shallots)


          • Been away for a week, and although the neighbours have been watering and picking, I picked enough runners for a meal tonight with company and a portion for six neighbours as well...

            other than that, tomatoes, lots of tomatoes!! and some chard leaves and basil for a salad, and some carrots. Making a mushroom risotto tonight, bought and dried mushrooms as I'm not growing them and no onions as company is intolerant, serving it with carrots and green beans

            Tomorrow will probably go scavenging for blackberries, and pick chard, green tomatoes and runners for a chutney. And more chard for a curry.


            • MORE runner beans & courgettes, ten beetroot, a bunch of carrotts, 3 pattypan squashes and about 30 dahlias


              • Yesterday - we have been away so have not visited the plot since Tuesday evening. Picked a Sainsbury's carrier bag FULL of French and runner beans, 8 big gherkins (mini cucumbers really), 4 pounds of greengages (jam ) and 4 pounds of potatoes, handful of dill to pickle the gherkins.


                • Green Tomatos

                  I am harvesting all my out door tomatoes. Green!!!!!!! blight has afffected the lot looking for recipies to use them. does any one have a resipie that uses green tomatos and marrow. (over grown courgette variety)


                  • More Toms than I can carry, the biggest Cucumber, 21" long and as theck as my wrist, and a sweet pepper that was supposed to be a chilli according to the people I bought it off.


                    • Runner beans, purple climbing beans and peas from the garden. A fellow freecycler let me pick her crabapples and on the way home I found a hedge full of sloes so I picked a pile of those plus some blackberries so jam, jelly and gin here I come.


                      • One Fig off the floor, and one off the tree.
                        Two Melons, about the size of my 'Jumper Bumps' at the moment?! (had bigger ones last year, but wasn't growing Melons then?.... DOH!)

                        On a serious note, I tipped out all of the Second Early Tatties from the buckets they were growing in.
                        Nadine, the rest of the Charlotte, some Rosevaal (disappointing) and Chuffing Nora, what a fabulous crop of Kestrel.... I'm going to be taking much more notice of Kestrel as a crop next year, and that's a fact. When I've bought them from the supermarket, I've just loved the taste, and they have behaved so superbly in our kitchen garden this year.

                        I've also harvested loads of green Ferline Tomatoes today. I didn't really want to, but we've had a Blight Alert for this area, and whilst these tommies are blight 'tolerant', they've reached a beautiful size, and I'd rather they ripen without blemishes indoors to be made into Roasted Passata, and let the other 'Armpit Cutting Tommies' take their place later on, if at all, in the Draughty Dutch Greenhouse.

                        I've picked some fresh herbs too, namely Rosemary, Thyme and Sage, because I've got plans for making the first two into an unctiously aromatic oil for cooking with, and the latter, to add to the fresh Borlotti Beans that I harvested about half an hour ago for a lovely Sarah Raven recipe to bung into the freezer.

                        Honestly..... I can't begin to tell you even a half of what's being harvested and preserved, which is why, I'm afraid I won't be updating the blog this evening, so please be patient with me.X


                        • 2 x patty pan squash, 2 courgettes, some mangetout and beetroot.


                          • 1 large courgette
                            1 head of brocolli (which was infested with caterpillars!!! - didn't realise they attacked the florets too)
                            200g french beans
                            handful of basil


                            • Fourteen marrows (overgrown courgettes), 3 pathetic sweetcorn cobs (something's been eating them), and a handful of peas. Not a good year on the lottie this year. Some things have done well but nothing as good as last year.


                              • 3 green peppers and a handful of tomatoes.


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