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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • French beans, tomatoes a fennel bulb and some blackberries

    Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


    • Down the allotment today harvested my borlotti beans, more tomatoes and peppers, watermelon. cues, raspberries and apples. More courgettes...............
      Made several apple & raspberry crumbles to freeze


      • I picked some more green beans - they are slowing down a little now that the days are getting shorter - plus lots of carrots of all shapes and sizes, some gladioli, more courgettes (sigh) and some unblighted tomatoes.
        My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
        Chrysanthemum notes page here.


        • A bunch of delightful Marmande and Ferline toms. Some for lamb and tomato bake tonight and the rest to be preserved.

          Attached Files


          • I got this lot from the tunnel today. Toms, courgettes, cucumbers. Of all the types of tomatoes I grew, I really wanted the yellow ones most. I have one yellow one. The rest had better get a move on and ripen soon.

            There are carrots in the background but you can't see them. Ironically the first one I pulled, I gave to the dog and every one thereafter was smaller.


            • Originally posted by gardening_gal View Post
              I got this lot from the tunnel today. Toms, courgettes, cucumbers. Of all the types of tomatoes I grew, I really wanted the yellow ones most. I have one yellow one. The rest had better get a move on and ripen soon.

              There are carrots in the background but you can't see them. Ironically the first one I pulled, I gave to the dog and every one thereafter was smaller.

              Nice harvest there gardening_gal


              • Thank you kind sir.


                • Bag of Victoria plums (gave them to a neighbour), there are loads more to ripen! About 8lbs of greengages - girding my loins to make jam with them and enough runner beans for me for supper. There are some hooge courgettes (marrows) at the plot and I keep looking at them and wondering what I can do with them! No, I don't have room in the freezer. And no more ratatouille! Maybe a cheese and courgette quiche tomorrow and some 'gifts' for the neighbours.


                  • Cucumbers, courgettes, toms, basils and oregano.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Yesterday my first runner beans. Hopefully there'll be a whole lot more this week after the rain!
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Ok Veggie, I`ll save some seeds for The Virtual Seed Parcel, how many would you like, 100 or so? A word of warning to those who wish to grow them, one plant needs plenty of space!
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        If you can save some seeds, they'll find a good home in the Virtual Seed Parcel


                        • Whatever you can spare, FrogDoctor - thank you
                          I'm up for growing some and I'm sure there are other Grapes who'd like some


                          • Yesterday I harvested a couple of kohl rabi, a purple cauliflower, more French and runner beans, more crystal apple cucumbers, an armful of brassica leaves, some tender stem broccoli, and some beetroot.

                            I was lucky to be give a couple of fennel bulbs and a new type of kale to try by one of my allotment neighbours. I managed to give him some crystal apple cucumbers in exchange!


                            • potatoes,peas,raspberries..


                              • Yesterday I got just over 10lb of Pink Fir Apple potatoes out of one 30ltr pot.
                                Really please with them and they were tasty too

                                Video on my channel.

                                My Allotment Journal @
                                Google+ and Youtube



                                Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


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