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What I did today - 2019


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  • Weeded Bed 8H
    Strips of the day - Kale "Hungry Gap" and Hottentot Figs (Carpobrotus Edulis).
    Direct sowed White Honesty and Hesperis Matronalis (Sweet Rocket Mixed).
    Potted up 6 Greyhound cabbage and 2 Green Magic Calabrese that were sown 7th May on G Day.
    Weed of the Day was Hogweed - hateful stuff.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 08-06-2019, 08:17 PM.


    • After all the rain we have had did a slug and snail patrol. Lost track of how many I found and dispatched!
      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


      • Proudly showed off our garden and plot to some friends.

        Bought four more chickens!


        • Just managed to pot on half a dozen tomatoes before the rain and potted up the 8 year old pumpkin
          Last edited by Florence Fennel; 09-06-2019, 04:34 PM.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Did up 4 salad bags and took them up the shop.
            Sown seeds
            Finished the Strimming and mowing.
            Weeded the herb bed, beds 8 & 9 and the chilli pots.
            Isolated my first chilli flower for seed saving.
            Watered chillies.
            Planted out old boar white pumpkin and 2 Unknown pumpkin/squash that came up in the Melon tub.
            Tied up all the sunflowers again ( the bu@@ers keep growing )


            • I have a confession to make - I've never like Bed 9I. It was too big, too long and had no character.
              Partway through weeding it today, I decided to split it in two, with a diagonal path across the middle that will be a continuation of the Apple covered path.
              The first half will become part of Bed 8H (which is quite small) and the new Bed 9I will be cleaned up and revamped.
              I've been playing there all day, apart from the odd downpour, and its taking shape. I feel as if I've done a good day's work, even though there's not much to show for it.

              Strip of the Day is Iceberg Lettuce.
              Last edited by veggiechicken; 09-06-2019, 05:42 PM.


              • Planted out lettuce, the last of the courgettes and potted on a GH cucumber. Weeded lawn and beds.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Planted out the last seedlings - I now have a mixed strawberry-chilli-aubergine-sweet pepper-bed (plus some self seeded marigolds, at least it looks pretty).
                  Original plan was to clear the old strawberry bed for the chillies etc, but there was still so much fruiting going on that I just couldn't bring myself to doing it.
                  Also mowed the jungle that is my lawn.
                  Location: London


                  • I had a long day planned at the allotment today, and the sunshine certainly helped! I collected some really heavy, thick, large paving slabs earlier in the week and the van has been creaking under the weight, so I was pleased to be able to get them off. I also unloaded the coping stones that I'd collected the same night. The van is happy again

                    I weeded my huge bed on plot 2 and it took only ten minutes again, which is lovely! The potatoes don't need weeding now, the plants are large enough to block out enough light, and I saw a potato poking through the soil, so earthed up a bit

                    The birds have had most of my kales, so I put fleece on them until I can get hold of stakes to stretch netting over instead.

                    The peas are growing well, so put up some string between the stakes for them to grow up.

                    I planted more cosse de violette where they hadn't germinated, and sowed some Swedish brown beans direct, planted a boatload of white onions, and planted the sweetcorn and celery (yes, celery - I can hear you laugh from here!) that I got in the plant sale on the allotment yesterday.

                    I 'harvested' nettles and topped up the fertiliser tea, pulled thistles all over the place and laid them on the paths as mulch, watered everything very well, especially in the greenhouse. I really need to crack on with planting out the tomatoes.

                    I realised I need an electric strimmer, because I'm not going to be using shears all summer!!

                    Just as I was finishing up and walked up to the van, I saw a little deer walking up the road towards me! I wish I could've grabbed my phone to take a pic without it moving off and disappearing into the tall grass.... maybe that's what's been eating my kale! LOL


                    • Put a couple of loads of washing on the line, loaded up the car with seedlings and headed off to the allotment.
                      Weeded about half the allotment, popped to allotment shop for some replacement canes and finished applying canes to beans I planted last weekend, planted out some courgettes, artichokes, one cardoon, and a few trays of stocks and nasturtiums, and peppers/chillis/tomatoes/aubergines in GH.
                      Listened to an entire audiobook from the library whilst I was pottering about.
                      Came home to find fish pie bubbling in the oven :-)


                      • Spent most of the weekend icing and elevating my right foot after it became clear my achilles tendon was making a bid for detachment. *insert swearing here*

                        Once I was reasonably mobile again, went down to the plot with the 8yo, who has been really wound up and clearly needing some focused sensory therapeutic input with his primary attachment figure... i.e. plot time with Mummy. I potted up some brassicas while he kept on trying to excavate the chicken wire they found buried under their den. I helped here and there, and then taught him how to use a spade properly, since he's big enough to handle one now, and I have a smallish border spade. I used to do tool talks for volunteers when I did conservation work. Proud moment doing one for my son.

                        Then we dug up the first of the potatoes together, then I left him to do the next plant, while he muttered happily, "tatties must stick together.... oooh, you're a big one, we'll eat you first!" and I uncovered the brassica bed for digging next time my right foot and left knee decide to work together.

                        After which we emptied out the big dalek and refilled it, mixing in shredded paper, comfrey and the 8yo providing water. He carried on watering all his "tattie friends" (i.e. any plant that caught his eye) while I harvested lettuce, spinach, rocket and some onions for salad.

                        He was awesome. And much more "reachable" for our plot time. Thank god for the allotment.


                        • This afternoon, I took advantage of the sunny weather that we're having today, as it's going to change tomorrow - localized flooding due to the heavy rainfall that's forecast tomorrow, Wednesday & probably Thursday. So, today, I checked on the young herb plants that I potted up yesterday, watered the 'bean' raised bed. Fed the 2nd earlies & topped them up with compost. Started to sow the 1st Sunflower pot. Watered in the herb plants, potatoes etc. (It'll definitely rain tomorrow :O ). Whilst I was doing all these little jobs, I was being supervised by one of the moggies - Maggie to be exact. She's the sensible one of the five, as she just loves to lie in the sun


                          • loaded the car with broken down pallets and seedlings for the allotment. Dropped our eldest at school and got stuck in. partner did a massive amount of tip runs today with all the hedging and chopped down branches and weeds (so full of mares tail from the initial clearing I wasn't composting any of it!) weeded around the trees and removed all the corrugated tin sheeting from around the fence to allow more light in (I have to buy a new garden fork now as partner was using it to lever the tin off and broke it lol). dug bed 4 and built the first of the pallet raised beds. took up a heap of knackered weed membrane and piled it ready to skip. chicken manure and bonemeal raked in and planted spuds in bed 3.

                            well deserved Chinese tonight!
                            There are no gardening mistakes, only learning curves

                            No matter how big the job or overwhelming the task, a good dose of sheer obstinacy and bloody-mindedness should see you through


                            • Continued clearing Bed 9I, pulling up all the Montbretia which has overwhelmed it and some other plants I'd rather live without.
                              Too wet this afternoon to continue but I'm getting there...................slowly.


                              • Potted on the last of my to tomatoes.
                                Potted on my sweet peppers.
                                Netted the strawberries growing outdoors.
                                Planted out some more dahlias grown from seeds.
                                Took out my brocolli as it had gone to seed.
                                Planted out some more radishes.
                                Spent a good hour weeding.
                                Fed and watered all the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse.
                                Lots of other little bits done.
                                All in all a busy but very satisfying day.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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