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Quite Simply, Chook Chat


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  • Oh , we eat our own- provided you freeze it for a bit and forget its name! thats the key!


    • I was like that with my Boys!

      I've just let my Girls out of fort knox, and into the grass. Chickens can smile!
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • LOL G4 at the smiling chickens!

        No, I'm sorry no amount of freezer frost is going to make us forget. We are vegetarians in disguise I think.

        My blog:

        Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

        One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

        Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


        • Well, my 'Laydees' have stepped up their production again; eight eggs today! Have been getting four to six most days, but they've excelled themselves today. One is a really long pale one (probably a double-yolker), so that means another one is back in lay; I have one that lays paler eggs than the rest, and they can be doubles. Thanks Girls!

          They had some leftovers yesterday - gaw' blimey they're lacking manners. Just like a Rugby scrum it was, and spiteful!? One is a real screamer, and always gets in the way of one of the bossier ones. You'd think she'd learn...
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • yay- we have eggs too!!!!! so pleased - and rehomed millefluer pekin boy today- result!


            • I cleaned out Coop Knox today - pheeeeeweeeeey did it stink!? Dunno what they'd been up to in there, but it was smelling really strongly of ammonia.

              You know, I keep calling my current lot the 'Stoopid Sisters' and they really are - I've never had such a stupid bunch of Hens! The new Batties from November have taken on all the really annoying habits of the Barnies I got in the summer; they all run up and try to sit on my feet/climb up my legs when I walk in the run. Consequently they keep getting kicked and trodden on - but does it deter them!? No!

              Also, after all this time, they still sit under the feeders and wait for me to kick the spring with my toe, to release a few pellets then they fight over them. I have 23 Hens, and about two have worked out that if they peck the spring they get fed. The others? Nah! They just sit there like idiots. I usually take the lid off and chuck some food around under the feeders for them, then they all eat. If I go out early, and don't go in the run to do it for them in the morning, they don't eat! Thick, or what!?
              Last edited by Glutton4...; 05-01-2013, 03:53 PM.
              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


              • yep, w ehave 2 hybrids which are pretty dense. However, the white star is super intelligent and no cockerel gets near her- or child. she leaps from pen to pen pinching food and we ignore her wilfullness- she lays one superb white egg daily. more than I can say for some of the others......


                • I've attached some pics of my orloffs for interest...someone asked to see what they were like (way back in the spring I think!) There's also a Penny pekin and a modern game in there as well!
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by jessmorris; 09-01-2013, 03:23 PM.


                  • might have to try some hatching eggs...............................


                    • black pekin(show quality and utterly stunning) fell in duck bath today.What was she doing, the idiot? german shepherd pulled her out but hurt her head inadvertently. She is in box in front of log fire - has had a nice blow dry but was very weak and appears a bit paralysed. will give her the night and see. The dog is sad.


                      • Originally posted by jessmorris View Post
                        I've attached some pics of my orloffs for interest...someone asked to see what they were like (way back in the spring I think!) There's also a Penny pekin and a modern game in there as well!
                        Pretty! They're the same colour as my Jubillee Orps were.
                        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                        • Originally posted by petal View Post
                          black pekin(show quality and utterly stunning) fell in duck bath today.What was she doing, the idiot? german shepherd pulled her out but hurt her head inadvertently. She is in box in front of log fire - has had a nice blow dry but was very weak and appears a bit paralysed. will give her the night and see. The dog is sad.

                          Awwww, sorry to hear that, Petal. My Dawg was driving me nuts barking and bouncing at the Chooks, this morning. So, I called him over, made him sit, and carried one of the Laydees over to see him, so he could sniff her. He was really calm, and quiet, until she pecked his nose, then he resumed his previous behaviour. It didn't help that I was laughing myself silly!

                          The Chook wandered back to the others with a satisfied swagger!
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • our shepherd is very depressed. they are his livestock to protect and he keeps checking her to see if she will talk to him but....he has currently gone to his bed and put his head between his paws......


                            • Oh Petal how sweet! Hope the Pekin picks up.

                              I went chicken shopping today ....... I went to see a chap who is trying to cut down his stock, mostly cockerels. Well, I came back with a gorgeous Welsummer boy, and a Cream Legbar boy (apparently Emily de Gray line) and a Welsummer POL pullet (I shall eat my hat if she is not laying within a week) and an older but very pretty Minorca hen. All very reasonable. I am dead chuffed. They have gone off into quarantine coops, the Welsummer pair together and the other two together. Now need to do a bit of reshuffling of my existing boys to accommodate. Hmmm ............


                              • Originally posted by RichmondHens View Post
                                .....and a Welsummer POL pullet (I shall eat my hat if she is not laying within a week) ............
                                She laid her first egg this morning!


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