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  • Good morning,

    Just popping on before going to work. Wont be able to check until i finish tonight. Hope you all have a good day.
    Last edited by cariann88; 28-03-2017, 04:52 AM.


    • Morning All Back to work whoopsidoo Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning All have a great day whatever you are doing.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Morning everyone. Another foggy start to day. Yesterday the sun only came out when I had to cook dinner which was gutting, hope we get a bit more sun today.

          Enjoy your uk trip Nicos
          LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


          • Morning, it was foggy here early on as well Marie I'd really like yesterdays sunshine back.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all, it's a fine, sunny day here! Hurray!
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


              • Bright today. This morning's tally: 20 leeks, 21 broad beans. The beans have it, though if the leeks all germinate, they will eventually outnumber the leeks. And with any luck, they will both be outnumbered by the peas I sowed yesterday. Never have that much success with peas, though, so we'll just have to see.

                Anyway, you can concentrate on your own running tallies for the next few days as I'm away, back in Britain for a week. Not a good visit but needs must. Might manage to drop in and say hello. If not, see you when I get back.

                Have a great week everyone.


                • Morning, believe it or not it's dark this morning...guess the rain is not to far away after four beautiful days of lovely warm sunshine.
                  Hope you all have a lovely day whatever the weather. Enjoy your trip Nicos.


                  • Good morning all. A lovely balmy sunny morning here although its a bit on the misty side. One of those mornings when everything is still. Unfortunately thr forecast says we will have rain this evening.
                    In the meantime i am off out to spend as much time as possible in the garden.
                    Have a good day all.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • I'm off work for 10 days... after a glorious weekend it is grey and cold here today (and forecast rain for the rest of the week) Typical!!!!

                      Hope everyone has a lovely day... sunny or not


                      • Morning - just - was up early and in town to pay bills, transfer stuff and all that
                        The fruit stall had 500g strawberries for £1, I am now making jam - yipee
                        The weather outside is delightful, have a lovely day
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Recovering after a sleep over with a two year old and his six year old brother over the weekend, might recover by Friday if I'm lucky, where do they get the energy from lol.


                          • Hello peeps,rain has stopped play on the coop,at least it will settle some dust
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Cloudy here now, pity as there should be a show of Aurora


                              • Good evening, on a bit earlier tonight as intend going to bed earlier than normal as I need to go up to watch my grandsons in the morning, we had the day to our selves today no grandchildren to watch or collect from school, so took OH out for a meal, well I know a place that sells breakfasts cheap and as it was cheap I let OH pay for them ( I know I need to stop spoiling her, but it lets her spend some money) Once we were back home the rain started, it wasn't heavy just a light spit of rain but enough to stop me working outside, so transplanted some petunia seedlings and potted on some fuchsia. Well time to start getting ready for bed, I'm wondering if I will be allowed to go to my bed at this time, as in the past I have been told to get lost if I make to go to bed early, I just don't understand her, she knows I have a good sense of direction no matter heres a wee verse for bed time

                                Old age is golden or so I have heard
                                but sometime I wonder as I go to my bed
                                with my ears in the drawer, and my teeth in a cup
                                my eyes on the table till I wake up
                                before sleep overtakes me, I think to myself
                                is there anything else I could put on the shelf

                                so with that, Goodnight
                                Last edited by rary; 28-03-2017, 09:24 PM.
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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