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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all. Back to front weather here. It was 17°C here overnight dropping to 13°C this afternoon. We certainly didn't need hot water bottles. The rain is absolutely bouncing at the moment.

    Nicos welcome back. I hope you have better weather than us to dry your laundry.

    Snoop, it sounds as if Mr Snoop had a good birthday.

    Bramble, enjoy your flight. I don't mind flying but I try not to as I hate airports, queueing and being treated like cattle.

    Mothawk, I hope you get your mum safely to the hairdresser.

    It's Mr GF's turn to be a pin cushion again today. His covid jab at a local rugby club this morning. Time for another coffee before we go I think....


    • Morning all.

      An absolute ton of stuff to do today, including going down and watering for the neighbours and feeding their chickens. Watered my veg this morning and the brassicas are doing surprisingly well, despite the ravages of caterpillars and birds. Mind you, I planted enough, so there should be plenty to go round... The smiles joined me on my rounds before heading off in your directions. I think a few were heading to your airport, Bramble, so I hope they catch you in time.

      Our elderly cat is currently lying along the length of my arm. She too is quite jolly since we changed her diet. Now putting on weight again. Definitely got hearing and eyesight problems, but she's doing quite well.

      On a less jolly note, the forecast rain for the next few days has fizzled out to next to nothing. Not so good.

      Right, have a good day, everyone.


      • Mornin n’alln’all

        Lovely to be back home, but lovely to have spent time with our family Our son has come back with us fir a week which is wonderful. First time since Covid kicked off.

        Washing and drying all done - unpacking finished. Home!

        Have a great holiday bramble !

        Cant believe how much the grass has grown in just one week I guess that’s the next job!

        We had a great time at our daughters farm. We helped with the orchard - picking , mashing ,pressing and then bottling the juice.
        I thought we’d done 200 litres of juice but apparently the 21 boxes of juice were 5 litres , not 3 litres each - so that’s almost 250 litres of juicing!
        Some pasturised into in boxes or bottles and the rest in demijohns for cider.
        Very satisfied with all that- and good fun seeing as the the two days it took were lovely and warm and dry!

        We’ve received our prescriptions for the flu vaccine but can’t collect them until the 18th. I always get a sore arm so those of you with achy arms have my sympathy.
        Not sure about the next Covid one - we have a choice of two different ones- both with two types. Think I’ll research into that a bit more once we’ve had our flu jabs. Don’t want to volunteer to have them both at once tbh.

        Good news about your cat Snoop- always a relief.
        Hibou sulked for about 10 minutes after we got home but couldn’t resist our warmth in bed so quickly forgave us This morning there were about 8 toys placed next to our bed - we quite clearly looked malnourished after our time away ( Yeh right!)

        Brew time over….see ya later peeps! Lovely to be back.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Back from Mr GF's covid jab. Very organised indeed. They must have jabs to spare today as 3 different staff asked if I was going to have one too....I had mine somewhere else on Sunday. A completely different atmosphere from the first covid jabs we ever had when we struggled to get there through the snow and everybody was masked and segregated with a 20 minute wait afterwards.

          Mr GF has decided he doesn't want to go away to a hotel for his birthday now. Will I never learn..... I should have done it as a surprise like last time and told him when we got there....I had sneaked a case into the car boot last time and he only realised when we pulled into the hotel car park and he asked what we were doing at somewhere so posh. I did the same when I booked him a flying lesson. Set off into the wilds of North Yorkshire for a trip out and he suddenly said "Sherburn in Elmet....there used to be an airfield near here."..... My comment "There still is".

          I have learned my lesson now discussion in advance....just a surprise.


          • Good day everyone,welcome back Nicos,pleased you had a good time,what a welcome home from Hibou,no plans for today,are just chilling out and mooching around,feel like a sleep coming on shortly,the weather can just get on with it,it seems in a bad mood today,Snoop no they not got in my way,they were motivating me,i have got my seed box out,with pen and paper at the ready,but not quiet in the zone,i had a lovely sleep,woke up fine,now need some more,i feel so relaxed,have a good afternoon and Bgood2yourselves
            Last edited by lottie dolly; 05-10-2022, 11:05 AM.
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Evening all,had my covid booster not long ago,visited family,and i rang the place up,and down we went,no booking and waiting around,my GPs starting flue jabs next week,so i will get booked in,the chemist we went to today said they will not have the flue ones until tomorrow,maybe 1 a week is enough hehehe,hope you all had a lovely afternoon,time to think about food,then get it sorted
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Morning all.

                Just checked the weather forecast. The rain is back on. Hooray. Trouble is it's starting this afternoon, so need to get on the case with covering things up and getting firewood under cover. And plenty indoors too. We're all starting to feel the chill a bit.

                Car passed its MOT, so that was good news.

                Glad to hear you're all getting your jabs. Be glad to get ours. Case numbers are on the rise here, apparently, though no significant increase in hospitalisations.

                The dogs are letting me know it's time for a walk, so better do as I am commanded and take them out.

                Have a great day, everyone.


                • Morning

                  Grory hop first then seeing as its going to be dry today I'll be in the garden.
                  Our Covid jabs yesterday were quick we walked over to the Docs and were back home 20mins later that included calling at the pharmacy. Arms a bit sore but not as uncomfortable as the Flu jab was.
                  Good news on your MoT Snoop ours is at the end of the month.

                  Enjoy your day.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • morning everyone,the sun is peeping out,it's always wood when the MOT is passed,mine was was a few days ago,my arm is sore if i catch it,still waiting for my new driving licence to come back,time to shake a leg
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Mornin Snoopn’alln’all

                      Bright and sunny morning here- I guess those smiles are sharing their happiness about your MOT Snoop…phew- always a relief!
                      We had our rain yesterday afternoon…the bouncing off the road stuff. Glad I did a most of the field cutting yesterday as it had grown 6” in about 10 days

                      We’ve decided to take the bikes out today along a cycle route using an old railway so that should be fun.

                      Looks like I have to wait until 10th Nov for my double Covid booster as we have to wait 6 months since the previous one, so I’ll crack on with my flu vaccine as soon as I can at least. It’s amusing really as it’s starting to feel like the annual prep for the winter…
                      Central heating oil- sorted
                      Wood for the fires - sorted
                      Preserved food- sorted ( freezers and pantry shelves full)
                      Antifreeze etc for the cars - sorted
                      Winter bedding on beds - sorted
                      Flu and Covid jabs….
                      Autumn garden clear up ….
                      Te he…almost done!

                      Enjoy your day peeps…
                      Last edited by Nicos; 06-10-2022, 08:29 AM.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Good morning all. A grey day here but not raining yet. It's Mr GF's birthday today. I'm taking him out shopping for a birthday present, new jacket, this afternoon and then I think to a local fish and chip restaurant. It will be the first time we've been out for a meal, apart from to relative's homes, since before covid started. Even before covid we usually only used to go out locally for fish and chips, an Indian curry or a Chinese buffet. The only Chinese buffet we really liked closed down, the Indian restaurant that made the curries we liked best was staffed by a group of misogynists, who tried to ignore women even when they were the one paying, so I have practised and learned to make my own curries as they don't deserve my money. This leaves the fish and chip restaurant. Unfortunately we don't have a good proper seafood restaurant near here or a Lebanese restaurant....favourite foods that I would be happy to eat out.

                        Mr GF appears to have no after effects from yesterdays covid jab I'm happy to say.

                        I think another coffee is in order now.


                        • I’ll join you if I may gf? We’re heading out soon so I’m trying to conserve energy in preparation!

                          Many Happies to Mr Gf - yummy fish and chips - enjoy!

                          That reminds me of a large cafe we used to go to when the children were small. They only served fish and chips - served with buttered sliced bread. A choice of brown or white. A pot of tea or a glass of red wine.
                          The waitresses wore those black and white 1920’s uniforms and little white hats.
                          All very posh for fish n’chips!
                          It closed down unfortunately and a Harry Ramsdens opened up nearby but it just didn’t have the same atmosphere.

                          Right…trip down memory lane over, cuppa finished - much enjoyed , thanks!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                            I’ll join you if I may gf? We’re heading out soon so I’m trying to conserve energy in preparation!

                            Many Happies to Mr Gf - yummy fish and chips - enjoy!

                            That reminds me of a large cafe we used to go to when the children were small. They only served fish and chips - served with buttered sliced bread. A choice of brown or white. A pot of tea or a glass of red wine.
                            The waitresses wore those black and white 1920’s uniforms and little white hats.
                            All very posh for fish n’chips!
                            It closed down unfortunately and a Harry Ramsdens opened up nearby but it just didn’t have the same atmosphere.

                            Right…trip down memory lane over, cuppa finished - much enjoyed , thanks!
                            That reminds me of going to the original Harry Ramsdens I went to in the 60s. Again 1920s uniforms ...plush carpet and chandeliers. Nothing like the travesty it has turned into.


                            • Afternoon all.
                              Did a grory hop this morning and noticed that the pizzahut next to the supermarket has gone and is now aTim Hortons, which is a new one to me. Canadian apparently, but the menu looks pretty much like all fast food from over there, a zillion different coffees and donutty things, plus a selection of burgers,wraps and muffiny things.

                              I've been researching water bath canning. I'd quite like to have a go as with so many apples about, canning apple juice and maybe apple sauce/pie filling would be useful. There's really no room in my fridge-freezer to squeeze in any more apples or beans. I thought of a bigger freezer, but there's not enough room anywhere, plus that's more electricity again, whereas jars on shelves cost nothing to keep.

                              Does anyone do water bath canning? Is it as easy as the utoob vids make it look?
                              Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                              Endless wonder.


                              • Afternoon
                                Mothhawk Ive not tried canning but did read up on it a bit, then decided to carry on freezing apple juice instead. I use 1 pint flat containers they easily stack in the freezer.
                                Let us know how you get on with canning please.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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