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Wales - South


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  • #46
    No, Sorry, Can't Sleep?

    Was due to be working for my lovely Mrs. Hyphen-Hyphen client tomorrow, but she's postponed me till another day during the week, when we'll be beautifully mixing housework with gardening duties, and with the weather set to be minus 3 this freezing Monday night, I'm rather pleased that I won't be freezing my Jumper Bumps off in the morning now at her place.

    I'll just be freezing them off in my own garden....... obviously.

    But it is supposed to stay dry, and that's what I want, in order to weedkill the driveway to last the whole season long. If I can only distract my cat and prevent her from just following me all over the funny farm at the moment that would be a bonus.

    According to Trousers, us Welsh lot are in for a sunny Tuesday at 9c with a 3c night.
    Wednesday, we're in for a partly cloudy 7c with a 3c night.
    Thursday, a part cloudy 9c windy with a 3c night
    Friday, a part cloudy 7c with a 3c night
    Saturday, a part cloudy 7c with a 1c night
    and Sunday, part cloudy 6c with a 1c night.
    Which was nice.....!

    Once I've done the drive, I want to give the front lawn a mow, because to be perfectly honest, I need the grass-clippings to kick-start my latest compost heap, and after that, the front lawn should start to get very scared, because I am about to declare war on the moss therein.

    Sorry. This is a weather thread. What actually gives me the right to 'go off on one' every time I tell you about the weather in our garden?
    I do apologise.

    It's just that to me, one beautifully kisses the other when there's a gardening agenda to be adhered to.

    Smack wrists wellie, and a mug of hot chockie, eh girlie....


    • #47
      SO..... according to Trousers, us Welsh Lot are about to have a lovely week, apart from maybe Friday and Saturday, when the days are looking at about plus 5 and the nights are looking like plus 1. There's Lovely?X


      • #48
        great stuff! perfect weather to be on the lottie! Got the family coming down this weekend too, may go down the bag for a drink during the day!


        • #49
          chrismarks...... 'the bag'? what's that then?!X


          • #50
            Far from complaining about this lovely weather, it would actually be rather nice if this sodding wind died down a tad, because it's beginning to drive me nuts?! But then I reflected back mentally to about this time two years ago, and remembered that it was also this windy then too.
            Bored of it now, so Think Positive, and lose it?


            • #51
              bag/bay same thing after a few beers

              I carried my toms/aubs out yesterday... by the time I got into the greenhouse they were all horizontal!!

              really bad here (up said mountain!)


              • #52
                My positive thoughts have worked on about three and a half occasions, so that's brilliant.
                I ended up putting my Courgette seedling/plantlets into my carrot bed, which is protected all around by environmesh, and they're doing great guns, staying out at night, and if the weather stays as it is, and we don't get any 'surprises', these plants should take off and do really well now (but I've sown replacements just in cases?!) It is SO lovely not to have that constant wind anymore here.


                • #53
                  Indeed, the sun is beginning to break up the gloomy overcast skies around Caerphilly too.

                  In Cardiff mind, dull today

                  Hoping to plant mine out this weekend!


                  • #54
                    My courgettes are going out this weekend, I've made a hole in my compost bed and they are taking the plunge. Lucky veg.
                    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                    • #55

                      tempetures down to minus -3 /-5 this week

                      today the tempeture minus -1

                      I went up the allotment this afternoon to clear the first flurry of snow we had this year...
                      Attached Files
                      do a little every day...
                      keep it organic and taste and see the difference..



                      • #56
                        Ooh Look there's been no weather in South Wales for over a year
                        Today its pouring down, but its the first heavy rain for some weeks. Its also been quite mild with only light frosts - nothing like the cold and snow that the North has been experiencing.
                        It may be our turn again soon


                        • #57
                          There's a warmth about the air that has been missing until now. Heavy rain during the night but dry, mild days. I can live with that


                          • #58
                            Yes, still ~ warmish here 9 deg c in my greenhouse before heat. Fleecing everything tonight and putting both burners on.
                            While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.


                            • #59
                              In the past week I've literally seen an explosion of growth from everything. I have a lot of things in a cold g/h (unprotected) and they're still growing. Even tomatoes. I did the old zaz trick, the moment they popped their heads up I chuck them in the GH, and fleeced them. They're a good 4/5 inches tall now? Haven't had a frost here for a while but will obviously cover them if one is due.

                              I'm also missing a lot of glass from the GH too, so it's not exactly warm in there.


                              • #60
                                You got me licked at the moment Chris, my toms are only about 2 inches tall, still too cold to be in my greenhouse beds yet, they can stay tucked up in the warm for another week or so.

                                My onions though, they've come on a treat in the greenhouse, as have by broad beans, I've got to get planting outside this weekend and free up some space to start some more crops.
                                I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


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