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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Friday jobs
    Men coming to fit a drain and a water butt in the morning - done
    Tidy up after workmen - tried*
    Plan weekend gardening - done
    Harvest romanesco, carrots - done

    *The garden is covered in concrete dust due to the men cutting paving slabs. Attempts to sweep it up were hopeless, but it will eventually wash away when it rains.

    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's

    At allotment
    Take photos
    Check for wind damage
    Harvest leeks, rhubarb

    At home
    Garden photos (1st of month)
    Plan February sowings
    Pot up lettuce seedlings
    Weeding and deadheading
    Harvest carrots
    Last edited by Penellype; 01-02-2020, 05:07 PM.
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post

      Lift loganberry, blackberry, grape and 3 goosegogs for rehoming. Done
      Cover new flower bed with card Done
      cover bulb bed with card Done
      start removing nettles from a flower bed

      chopped up stuff and filled brown bin
      planted kiwi
      planted daff and freesia bulbs
      soaked ranunculus claws
      lifted blocks and started forking old goosegog bed/ attacked nettle roots


      finishing forking goosegog bed
      cover goosegog bed
      plant up new flower bed


      • Weekend jobs

        At my friend's
        Weeding - no

        At allotment
        Take photos - done
        Check for wind damage - done
        Harvest leeks, rhubarb - done

        At home
        Garden photos (1st of month) - done
        Plan February sowings - no
        Pot up lettuce seedlings - no
        Weeding and deadheading - done
        Harvest carrots - done

        Monday jobs
        Check for wind damage
        Pot up lettuce seedlings
        Plan February sowings
        Cut down finished tomato plants
        Harvest lettuce, tomato
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Monday jobs
          Check for wind damage - done
          Pot up lettuce seedlings - done
          Plan February sowings - done
          Cut down finished tomato plants - no
          Harvest lettuce, tomato - done plus some small winter spinach leaves, fennel fronds and namenia

          Tuesday jobs
          Check for wind damage again
          Sow balconi tomatoes
          Cut down finished tomato plants
          Harvest carrots, calabrese
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Tuesday jobs
            Check for wind damage again - done
            Sow balconi tomatoes - done
            Cut down finished tomato plants - done
            Harvest carrots, calabrese - done carrots and a couple of kale leaves.

            Wednesday jobs
            Busy day today so I don't anticipate having much time for gardening. No gardening tomorrow either
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Friday jobs
              Clear up after workmen in garage
              Check everything is doubly secure for weekend storm Ciara
              Harvest brokali, carrots
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Friday jobs
                Clear up after workmen in garage - part done
                Check everything is doubly secure for weekend storm Ciara - done allotment
                Harvest brokali, carrots - done

                Also planted 100 onion sets.

                Weekend jobs (weather permitting)

                At my friend's

                At allotment
                Harvest parsnip

                At home
                Batten down the hatches
                Finish rearranging garage
                Sow indoor tomatoes
                Harvest carrots
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • Planted several Tulip Bulbs, Daffodil Bulbs and Crocuses in the flower beds on the allotment. However silly me has put them in where the I plan to put all the perennials and annuals in for my bee and wildlife patch so all will need lifting once flowering has finished
                  Visit my blog at:


                  • Weekend jobs

                    At my friend's
                    Weeding - done some

                    At allotment
                    Harvest parsnip - no

                    At home
                    Batten down the hatches - done
                    Finish rearranging garage - done some
                    Sow indoor tomatoes - done
                    Harvest carrots - no

                    Monday jobs
                    As everywhere is under water or almost under water gardening will be very limited.
                    Check for wind damage
                    Move stuff in garage to try to let floor dry out
                    Sow meteor peas
                    Harvest carrots, parsnips if I can get at them through the water
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Monday jobs
                      Check for wind damage - done
                      Move stuff in garage to try to let floor dry out - done what I can
                      Sow meteor peas - no
                      Harvest carrots, parsnips - done

                      Tuesday jobs
                      Check for wind damage
                      Sow meteor peas
                      Bring in some compost to warm for peppers
                      Harvest lettuce, carrots
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • Tuesday jobs
                        Check for wind damage - done
                        Sow meteor peas - done
                        Bring in some compost to warm for peppers - done
                        Harvest lettuce, carrots - done plus some pea shoots

                        Wednesday jobs
                        Check for wind damage
                        Sow peppers
                        Check for weeds and remove any seedlings
                        Harvest carrots
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Have three bulk bags of topsoil with 30% compost getting delivered. So me and the hubby will be moving it to spread on borders and top up the raised beds. Hope the sleet/ snow stays off.


                          • Wednesday jobs
                            Check for wind damage - done
                            Sow peppers - done
                            Check for weeds and remove any seedlings - done at allotment
                            Harvest carrots - done plus calabrese

                            No gardening time today.
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Popping over to father in laws to make sure he is not still in his pyjamas as taxi to the pub arriving in about half an hour then up to the allotment to empty and clean GH1, did GH2 last week so I will be smelling of ***** fluid for a while. Change the card in the wildlife camera.Then bit of bed clearing if time and energy permits. Can't sow anything else for a while as I have completely filled the new greenhouse and lots of stuff coming through.


                              • Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                                Have three bulk bags of topsoil with 30% compost getting delivered. So me and the hubby will be moving it to spread on borders and top up the raised beds. Hope the sleet/ snow stays off.
                                Well it didn't stay off and the topsoil was like a solid ton lump. That was hard work! Thank goodness my husband did much of the heavy lifting. It is all sitting in clods so I cant spread it at all. Will have to wait until it dries a bit. Not much chance of that at the moment though.


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