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What I did today - 2015


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  • Over the weekend - planted out my early sugarsnap peas in the tunnel, planted out the last of the broad bean seedlings, planted another ten Desiree spuds in bags.
    Pricked out all my aubergines, toms and chillis into small pots.
    Pricked out my marigolds and calendula into modules.
    Put my heated prop back in the cupboard till next year!

    This morning - sowed five types of kale and three types of PSB in trays.


    • Over the weekend I mowed the lawn & tidied the beds a bit. This morning theres less of a gale force wind here so I put 2 blow away plastic greenhouses outside into position,with all my little plants inside,now they're all out the house,I need to start my sweetcorn,runner beans & cucumber & plant my peas out somewhere barricaded with a copper tape arrangement,to protect from slugs & snails
      Location : Essex


      • grass cut and finally replaced the rotten fence posts that i have been putting off for months ( i hate digging out old concrete) but its done and so is my back


        • Today I've planted up some early strawberries, built a cold frame. Potted on a multitude of bits including Tom's, melons, chillis and peppers.
          Sown cucumbers, basil, kale and some sun flowers.
          Also started a mint garden off (only have 2 varieties in my pot currently)
          Also today I found out I'm number 7 on the allotment list!


          • Dug up a load of raspberry canes i had promised to a fellow allotment holder. Dug and weeded the area where the rasps had been. Will dig the rest of the bed this week and once I've added a bit of muck, get some Desiree tatties planted in it.Fingers are tingling now with pulling nettles out!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • Did work, n whilst there got a call from "Allotment secretary"

              Plots turned over yet again!

              Just don't get the mentality of some "Retards"

              All I could envisage were my seedling being scattered all over the gaff!

              They weren't luckily! As I would have been "Gutted"

              All tidied n sorted! A meeting scheduled with local "Bobby's" Sunday, but fear it will come to nought! As always!

              But on a "Plus Note" well chuffed with the flower bed that I banged "Daff's" in well late!

              They've come on a dream!

              Day off tomorrow too! That as to be a "Bonus"

              "Allotment Bound"

              I have cream for that somewhere!
              Attached Files
              "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


              • Originally posted by Deano's "Diggin It" View Post
                Did work, n whilst there got a call from "Allotment secretary"

                Plots turned over yet again!

                Just don't get the mentality of some "Retards"


                All I could envisage were my seedling being scattered all over the gaff!

                They weren't luckily! As I would have been "Gutted"

                All tidied n sorted! A meeting scheduled with local "Bobby's" Sunday, but fear it will come to nought! As always!

                But on a "Plus Note" well chuffed with the flower bed that I banged "Daff's" in well late!

                [ATTACH=CONFIG]54976[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]54977[/ATTACH]

                They've come on a dream!

                Day off tomorrow too! That as to be a "Bonus"

                "Allotment Bound"

                I have cream for that somewhere!
                Hi Mate sorry to hear about them louts again
                just dreading the idiots getting to ours.
                As regards police i almost got run off the road at dawsons corner on friday.
                If i did not jam on he would have pushed me into traffic signal post.
                I had video in car phoned police number video the lot did not want to know.

                Said we do not have the manpower to follow it up SORRY end of story.

                So i put it on facebook with caption slagging off police so they might be calling on me next (if they can find the manpower )


                • Yesterday- not much time,she wipes a tear off her cheek, some weeding and sowed radish, turnip and land cress in cauliflower patch.
                  No matter:the allotment is lovely, the tadpoles have legs, my sea kale has germinated and I am glad to be home.


                  • This morning - sowed pak choi in a window box for baby veg, broadcast sowed some spinach.


                    • Actually got time to set a few (84) sweeepeeee seeds
                      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                      • - very little weeding, thanks to the mulch
                        - planted out more peas and broad beans
                        - picked a carrier bag of chard, cabbage, kale and chard
                        - & a bag of parsley, chives and baby beetroot leaves, for salad
                        - sowed sweetcorn in GH
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • Spent some time in the garden and weeded the raspberries and several containers, planted a load of potatoes, planted some salad bits, filled two raised beds, potted on a Chilean guava, did some general tidying and started clearing a strawberry area I'm planning to build up as my soil is really poor and replant with some saved runners later. Gave everything a good water.

                          Felt good to get out in my garden since I'm still at my mums house.


                          • Mowed the lawns, planned my first veg plot and sorted out old seeds.
                            The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
                            A weed is just a flower in the wrong place.


                            • enjoyed the early summer. watered my seedlings. pulled up a couple of little weeds.


                              • Sowed some Kale seeds, Dwarf Curly and Nero do Toscana. Also some more lettuce in succession.
                                Follow my progress in gardening at altitude in France


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