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hows everyones chilli plants?


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  • Above L-R - Bell Pepper Scotch Bonnet, can't remember! probably Anaheim, small purple ones are Adorna, another Scotch, Hungarian Hot wax, Cherry bomb

    Either anaheim or ring of fire next to purple basil.

    Close up of Hot wax and Cherry bomb.
    Attached Files


    • Wow. Purple rainbow chilli has a kick. One is going into the courgette chutney. Just the one though.
      Horticultural Hobbit!/HorticulturalH


      • For Does The Cooking

        Hey I know this is a late reply! I had a problem with my Apache plants and the flowers were dying etc and the leafs had funny patterns on them(which I learnt that they were being eaten lol). I bought some bug spray from Tesco, it was called Pravado Ultimate Bug Spray and my plants are all so much better, I used it a couple of weeks ago and then pulled off all the effected leafs(which was a hell of a lot). I haven't had a problem since, I can honestly swear by it that it worked If you ain't sorted yet I hope this helps.
        Last edited by Chiiliwilly; 28-07-2013, 01:03 AM.


        • My chilli plants are doing a lot better than they were

          Hey guys, just thought I'd give an update on my Fuago f1 and Apache plants. A couple weeks ago my apache plants were in bad shape which I learned was from aphids and I bought some bug spray and now they are doing well! They have grown a hell of a lot probs due to the newish location in the attic room therefore getting more sun and also being pretty much cured from the bugs. My fuago is nearly about to flower and my apache has got flowers all over and a few chillis starting to grow, I wish I did all of this from the start but I'm glad I've learned some new things
          Attached Files


          • First time poster so be gentle!!
            As you can see plant is fairly established. I repotted it while it was fruiting quite a bit. After repotting the fruit kept coming but after a couple of weeks they stopped. I have also noticed a little white dust on the leaves on both sides even though I sprayed them, not sure what that means.
            Now the nodes just seem to be trying to flower but then just dry out and got brown. Any help to get back on track would be great or is it too late in the year to expect a rescue now?
            Attached Files


            • Might be bugs! I had that problem where the flowers kept dying and it was because of bugs. Put a tea spoon of washing up liquid in a spray bottle full of water, that might help. If not then buy a bug spray dude and see what happens from there


              • Yeah I tried that. Now I am just dusting it with water in the mornings and evenings coz I thought it was that. Is that what would stop fruit for growing if bugs got hold of it?


                • If it is bugs then yeah they can cause your flowers to shrivel up and die as they like the goodness. I've still got some living under my soil but they are kind of under control at the moment


                  • Went into the greenhouse this evening to check on things. Discovered my Hot Fish chilli plant keeled right over. I reckon the heat today dried out the compost too much, the stems drooped, and with no anchorage in dry compost, the sagging weight pulled the canopy over. The supporting cane went with it. 3' high and very bushy. Mercifully the trunk wasn't snapped, but many stems and branches are. I'm really quite annoyed. Hot Fish is a heirloom variety, and a stunning ornamental to boot. On course to be one of my best of the season. Well its a tatty mess now. Be careful letting compost dry out too much...


                    • Originally posted by Philthy View Post
                      Went into the greenhouse this evening to check on things. Discovered my Hot Fish chilli plant keeled right over. I reckon the heat today dried out the compost too much, the stems drooped, and with no anchorage in dry compost, the sagging weight pulled the canopy over. The supporting cane went with it. 3' high and very bushy. Mercifully the trunk wasn't snapped, but many stems and branches are. I'm really quite annoyed. Hot Fish is a heirloom variety, and a stunning ornamental to boot. On course to be one of my best of the season. Well its a tatty mess now. Be careful letting compost dry out too much...
                      Give it plenty of water and it should come back...
                      I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                      ...utterly nutterly


                      • Wow until 20 minutes ago I didn't realise I had any chilli plants but I just realise I
                        do. I had a few plants in pot which I was not sure whatthey were and I just looked
                        at one it has green chilli's hanging from it!!

                        I had a multi-track of seeds form two years ago but none of the chilli's grew that year which was disappointing (but I did have some sweet peppers) I thought this was a sweet pepper again but clearly it is not.

                        So I am really pleased with that, the seeds didn't seem to germinate that year for some reason, I thought it was to cold a climate but obviously not!

                        OK here is my pic

                        Can clearly see 6 chillies, I am really chuffed I never noticed any of them on it until today
                        and I walk past it several time a day!!

                        Never eaten a chillie before
                        Last edited by esbo; 02-08-2013, 05:03 PM.


                        • got four different chilli this year but only jalapeno has flowered, rest are growing but either spindly or being eaten


                          • I planted my chillies quite late and 1 flower just opened and many more to come, haven't grown these in like 8 odd years do you have to do anything special like hand pollinate like courgettes or leave them be.

                            Can't wait to actually see fruit tho ,


                            • Originally posted by insy View Post
                              I planted my chillies quite late and 1 flower just opened and many more to come, haven't grown these in like 8 odd years do you have to do anything special like hand pollinate like courgettes or leave them be.

                              Can't wait to actually see fruit tho

                              Leave them to the birds and the bees

                              I have courgettes but I don't hand pollinate then, I don't want to get involved with mucky stuff like that!!

                              Mr Bumble Bee will be along soon enough to do the dirty deed

                              All my plants have been pollinate naturally so unless it is indoors away from all insects you should be OK.
                              Last edited by esbo; 02-08-2013, 05:39 PM.


                              • my bulgarian black plants are now,at last showing fruit,just as temp fell to 15deg yesterday, as london had 34deg,the other peppers/chillies are further ahead but still well behind what you would expect,but they can stay in the greenhouses til they all fruit,we freeze it in small amounts,enough for our meals,still using last years..


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