A confession first - I have written and asked about this a few years back, but things have changed, including forum members coming and going, so I wanted to ask afresh...
I have some comfrey growing in the garden. I think it is Bocking 14 but can't be sure. I predominantly want to use it for comfrey tea, but seeing how much the bees love it I want to make the best of that aspect too.
If it's ok, I'm just going to splurge a bunch of questions whirling inside my head. Apologies for asking so much. If any comfrey experts are able to help that would be great, but equally any help on *any* of the questions - or general discussion around the topics - would be much appreciated.
1. Is there any sure way to tell whether what I have is B14?
2. If it isn't B14, how quickly - and how far and wide - would it have spread in the last 5 years?
3. If it isn't B14, at what stage would the seeds be able to germinate new plants?
4. I've read that the plants are most "nutritious" just as the flowers are forming. By waiting until after this stage, to allow bees to do their thing, how much of this plant "nutrition" is lost and how will it effect the tea?
5. If I cannot determine for sure whether it's B14, when making the tea, is there a method I can use that will allow me to use the whole plant (not roots) without risking spreading the seed and a potential invasion? To date I have nipped off all flowers and seeds before soaking in water, but time is increasingly limited nowadays so being able to use the whole plant would be much preferred.
Huge thanks
A confession first - I have written and asked about this a few years back, but things have changed, including forum members coming and going, so I wanted to ask afresh...
I have some comfrey growing in the garden. I think it is Bocking 14 but can't be sure. I predominantly want to use it for comfrey tea, but seeing how much the bees love it I want to make the best of that aspect too.
If it's ok, I'm just going to splurge a bunch of questions whirling inside my head. Apologies for asking so much. If any comfrey experts are able to help that would be great, but equally any help on *any* of the questions - or general discussion around the topics - would be much appreciated.
1. Is there any sure way to tell whether what I have is B14?
2. If it isn't B14, how quickly - and how far and wide - would it have spread in the last 5 years?
3. If it isn't B14, at what stage would the seeds be able to germinate new plants?
4. I've read that the plants are most "nutritious" just as the flowers are forming. By waiting until after this stage, to allow bees to do their thing, how much of this plant "nutrition" is lost and how will it effect the tea?
5. If I cannot determine for sure whether it's B14, when making the tea, is there a method I can use that will allow me to use the whole plant (not roots) without risking spreading the seed and a potential invasion? To date I have nipped off all flowers and seeds before soaking in water, but time is increasingly limited nowadays so being able to use the whole plant would be much preferred.
Huge thanks