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What I Did Today (Undercover)


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  • Finally got around to setting the tomatos, peppers, chives, basil, cucumbers, chillis nand courgettes, and yes I know I'm late! But at least they are now in there with covers too as it is still cold up here.

    Now I'm retired I can remove / replace covers each day as needed - bliss.....
    The cats' valet.


    • I have finally got to old blow away greenhouses inside the ploytunnel. One stil has a cover. Will be mainly using them for plant staging!


      • Made sure everything was looking good and gave it all a good watering!
        Must tidy all the bits and bobs up!!!!!! asap!


        • Potted up some Comfrey cuttings and Tomatoes, layed slug pellets around my Potatoe sacks and cleaned out some pots, my Potatoes compete in height with my Tomatoes, they love being grown indoors!
          Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


          • Decided to plant some of the tomatoes & aubergines in the polytunnel as it looks like the next 2 weeks are going to be mild. I will have to harden more plants over the next week or so, and plant the peppers as well. Also to plant in the poly are melons and cues, tomatillos and cape berries!!!
            Last edited by marcofez; 08-05-2014, 09:49 PM.


            • Planted aubergines, chillies and sweet peppers into the poly.

              Shuffled the Superhots around.

              Horticultural Hobbit




              • The polytunnel is slowly being emptied of plants needed to be hardened off! Soon I will be able to fill the poly beds up!!! Also watered the plants inside.


                • Ran down the allotment after work to open the greenhouse door and revive my poor droopy tomato plants - for the second day in a row! Must get up earlier so I can go down there before work and open it. Blimey it's only May and it's like an oven in there! Steep learning curve for me, this greenhouse business
                  Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes


                  • I know how you feel, 95* in both houses, I do have an auto window to let some heat out in the glass house, but yet to fit one into the polycarbonate house. White washed it at the weekend so should cut some of the rays from scortching the leaves, but boy does the heat make cider taste so wonderfull..haha.
                    I`ve had to move things around in the glass house as the slugs are getting friendly with all my plants, so lifted everything off the deck with makeshift staging, even after laying down slug pellets they are getting past them...little bas...darlings!
                    One thing though...5am and the sunshine is fantastic, well worth getting up for that alone.
                    Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


                    • Thought I might mention, I bought a drip feed system off Ebay, not that successfull, it`s a bag drip and the connection at the base of the bag is the same as those found on Lilos/rafts etc, and when I fitted the insert it leaked past it, twisting it around didn`t get any better so might fit it with some sillicone sealant. The drip ends aren`t that much cop either, they fell apart leaking everwhere, not a good buy realy, so luckily I have some that had been chucked out and they work ok.
                      My idea is to make a better system with a 5 gallon container and a proper tap that fits the tubing tight! and fit it onto a shelf to give some pressure.
                      Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


                      • ^^^^ Have a read of


                        • Went out early to put up some brassica cages and plant some brussels, but its tipping down with rain. Instead, planted out watermelons, honeydew melons and some more peppers into the polytunnel. Tidied up also. Then got wet walking back home! Had a cuppa!!!


                          • The usual, watering the polytunnel. De-leafing bottom tomato leaves and pinching out side shoots.


                            • Weeded as best I could between the triffids ( tomatoes,tomatillos & cucumbers)
                              Rearranged pots on bench. To make life as easy as possible for the neighbour, who will be watering for me next week. While I help my grandparents move back into there house after being flooded in December.


                              • Put up my second tunnel 10ft x 10ft ( 3m x 3m ), just a little one but I'm very happy


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