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Mixing Chickens And Bantams???


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  • Mixing Chickens And Bantams???

    Help !! I have two lovely, very docile Silver Sussexs but i would love two bantams Could i add them to my existing flock or would they get bullied too much ???

    please help me


  • #2
    my neighbour has loads of chickens and bantams all mixed in together ~ they've worked out their own pecking order (I think the bantams are at the top)
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3

      Thanks but do you know what sort of chickens they have??



      • #4
        I've got bantams and large fowl chickens together, they get on very well (until there are treats about, then the pecking order has to be re-established!). I would advise you to stay clear of very small bantams like the dutch bantams, and polish bantams which have big headgear and this means they can't always see clearly to stay out of trouble. You could even get bantam equivalents of most colours of sussex. Wyandotte banties are lovely too. Bantam versions of light weight chickens like leghorns and welsummers tend to be quite flighty so be aware that they could fly over the sides of the run if it's not enclosed. Pekins are worth a look-in too, very friendly, but do have feathery legs (not good if the ground gets muddy) - oh, and they can brood for Britain, which is great if you want to raise some chicks, but not so handy if you want them to be laying eggs for your breakfast instead of sitting tight!

        Dwell simply ~ love richly


        • #5

          Ye I've heard of Pekins they're really sweet, apparently they don't fly at all?

          Thanks so much just got persuade my mum and dad to let me have two more


          • #6
            You could argue that as they are only small, they wouldn't take up much more space than a bigger hen!!!
            When I had a bantam last year in with my flock of hybrids, she definitely ran the show.
            Kirsty b xx


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tomere123 View Post
              Ye I've heard of Pekins they're really sweet, apparently they don't fly at all?

              Thanks so much just got persuade my mum and dad to let me have two more
              Yes bantams do fly, especially if they are trying to get away from a predator and sometimes take to the air just for fun.


              • #8
                My Pekins both fly - one of them over a 4 foot fence once, much to her (and our) surprise.


                • #9
                  we had a banty, she ruled the roost (forgive the pun) and took no flack from any of the others despite the fact that she was only half the height on our biggest girl, Dolly...
                  How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tomere123 View Post
                    Help !! I have two lovely, very docile Silver Sussexs but i would love two bantams Could i add them to my existing flock or would they get bullied too much ???

                    please help me

                    I have the same problem, ive kept 4 chickens for 18 months in one pen and two Polish bantams one hen and one cock, I let them all out together in the garden and they get on well, but am being told i can put them all in together. Im worried that there will be problems.


                    • #11
                      Lol This thread made me laugh. I have five girls - 2 maran bantams, 3 warrens and George the Maran Cock. The two maran girls are known as 'the henhouse bitches' by me because that is what they are. They definately rule the roost in my flock.


                      • #12
                        Ihave 4 LF's and 2 bantams and I have the tiny ones! A d'uccle and a d'anver! They are fine, but the d'anver bullies the barn hens! And my hybrid lets the d'uccle nest under her skirts!


                        • #13
                          would def stay away from Polish... one of mine was taken by a cat last week while we were away (poor lady looking after them is still sooo upset!) the other is now keeping close to the coop or her adoptive ex-batt mummy...

                          but my ex-batts are fine with the bantams...


                          • #14
                            Lots of people say Pekin's are lovely and friendly and docile too. They're not tiny bantams either.


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