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to my suprise and excitement


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  • #16
    just an update for anyone interested. this was the sight i got up to this morning!


    My Growing Blog


    • #17
      I am in exactly the same boat! :-)
      put my first seeds in ever just over a week ago and Thursday/friday first shoots appeared! I rang my mum so exciting i had managed to keep them alive this long! LOL

      Cucumbers are now shooting like mad about inch high couple of leaves growing by the hour though, could someone advise at what stage i transfer them to individual pots? my seed trays are exactly the same as lawless above so guessing they cant stay in too long now?

      should i take the plastic covers off them all now leaves showing?

      Also beetroot seeds all germinated now still small but getting there.

      sweetcorn showing aswel just half inch long stems showing at the moment?

      I wish i had taken this hobby up years ago im loving it!
      One thing i think i have already learnt i have done wrong is get over excited about the different seeds i had bought and put them all in at same time so if all goes to plan will all arrive in one go!!!! only so many veg a girl can eat in one go!

      I have since learnt about succesional sowing!! dohhh


      • #18
        Looking good Take the plastic covers off once they've all popped up. Get some fresh air.


        • #19
          yup never get bored of seeing new shoots coming through better than sex !!.ok maybe not makes you feel good


          • #20
            I went to check on the progress in the greenhouse, expecting to find 'no change', but to my surprise I now have 2 more varieties of basil germinating, some sunflowers and... here's the biggie... 3 chilli seedlings.
            I was so excited I skipped back down the garden, much to the bemusement of my cat!!


            • #21
              oh no - i didnt know i had to take the cover off the prop once they are through - i am now legging it to the greenhouse in the dark and taking the lid off my beets, cucumbers, etc!!!!!

              mine are in a mini greenhouse within a greenhouse (only heated when frost is coming) - they all look really really healthy, so hears hoping!

              My first year too and i nearly wet my pants when my first seeds popped through!! lol.

              SS :-)


              • #22
                My first year was last year and it is very exiting checking noe day and seeing that tiny bit of green poking through.

                It's even better when you taste homegrown veg for the first time.
                My organic gardening etc blog -


                • #23
                  Oh! Poo!

                  Originally posted by Waffler View Post
                  I went to check on the progress in the greenhouse, expecting to find 'no change', but to my surprise I now have 2 more varieties of basil germinating, some sunflowers and... here's the biggie... 3 chilli seedlings.
                  I was so excited I skipped back down the garden, much to the bemusement of my cat!!
                  ... and now they're dead!

                  What with it not being ever so warm recently and me trying to keep the temp in the greenhouse up for germinating chillis etc. I haven't been opening up during the day. So I came home this evening after a glorious day weather wise, to find my chilli seedlings dead. Everything else is ok but I felt gutted! However, I think there may have been the teensiest sighting of 3 more coming up. Fingers crossed for them!


                  • #24
                    Oh no! Have to say my chillis which are in the house have fared a lot better than those in the greenhouse (mines only been heated at night). Fingers crossed that your new ones will be strong and healthy

                    Have you thought of an automatic window ventilator, they're brilliant?


                    • #25
                      I look at all my seedlings every day (inside and the ones I've been sown tooooooo early)! willing them to grow...and they do...most of them! but it's great to grow something from scratch,whether edible or not! have fun lawless!
                      Last edited by deezyb; 22-04-2008, 07:15 PM.
                      "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by gemlady View Post
                        Oh no! Have to say my chillis which are in the house have fared a lot better than those in the greenhouse (mines only been heated at night). Fingers crossed that your new ones will be strong and healthy

                        Have you thought of an automatic window ventilator, they're brilliant?
                        Definitely will be looking into that! Luckily they're still alive today (the new ones, that is!)


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