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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Yesterday planted out 150 overwintering onion sets; 3 garlic bulbs (split into cloves obviously!) and did a bit of weeding. Today - the back garden - it's grey but dry and mild so lots of stuff to go in the compost bin - will try and persuade OH to mow lawns too - hopefully for the last time?


    • Yesterday - planted out garlic cloves, sowed broad beans, sowed lettuce seeds in trays in the gh, chucked tomato plants into the composter, found a chicken sitting on an egg behind a fern plant, pruned a small pear tree, jet washed the newly acquired wooden fruit trays in anticipation of mammoth winter pear harvest in a couple of weeks.
      come visit a garden
      or read about mine


      • planted some garlic, hoed and cleared a bed, dug in some manure


        • Got my onions out of their modules and into the ground.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Been horribly windy here today, so I'm glad I managed to get the lawn cut yesterday.


            • Looked out at the rain.....looked at my Onion sets..Looked out at the rain..looked at my shallot sets...scratched my head...looked at my garlic to be planted...looked out at the rain...Decided they can wait another few days
              Last edited by Tripmeup; 24-10-2011, 04:24 PM.
              I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

              ...utterly nutterly


              • Planted up another tray full of garlic and sowed another tray of broad beans. Watered indoor and outdoor pots of chrysanths.
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Managed to dodge the rain and cut back the summer fruiting raspberries and the Michaelmas daisies.
                  Collected a few dahlia seed heads, managed to actually grow them from seed this year, no point in lifting and storing the tubers here, everytime I try to store them over winter, they freeze :-(
                  Then picked the bits of my chalet roof up from the lawn, where they had been deposited by the wind :-)
                  Spent the rest of the afternoon doing agility with my Rottie, fun fun fun !


                  • I did some digging & weeding, then planted the baby asparagus in their new bed. It was hot & sunny & although we has a shower last night the ground is still hard as rock in places. Just had another shower so hopefully the asparagus will be happy
                    Lets teach kids to cook.


                    • Finally got round to pruning (snipping off long branches) from my cordon apples and pears.

                      PS Found a few sneaky apples that were hidden by branches and shared them with the chooks.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • Tuesday morning - went to the plot. The sun came out and I had to take my jumper off! Planted some over-wintering broad beans; dug a small bed on the adjoining plot that my neighbour and I are going to share. Removed 3 barrowfuls of couch-grass and dandelions and lots of strawberry plants that he had 'missed' when he transferred his strawberry bed to a new location. Cardboarded the lot. Checked on my cabbages that are supposed to ready to eat soon - only just starting to 'heart up' - will they stand over the winter? That is the question.


                        • Took today off...So harvested last of courgettes, dug up the fading courgette plant, harvested some scallions. I also planted my onion sets, my shallot sets and last of garlic cloves...
                          Also planted last of my plugs which were Red cabbage and Pak Choi....
                          Weeded some beds and pulled up my not progressing cauliflower plugs. (dont what happened them..!!)
                          Also mowed my lawns, so happy with my days endeavour...
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • potted on a bunch of herbs i've been growing indoors. Had a good tidy up the other day, sorted some seeds and filled the bird feeders. Bought some pumpkins and reminised about my prize ones from last year which i needed a saw to get through


                            • Lovely autumn day yesterday - clear skies and sunshine. Went to the plot and harvested my Golden Delicious apples and lifted the first leeks - leek and potato soup I think. Cleared away a couple of barrows of weeds and rubbish from the paths that I have neglected over the last couple of months. My runner bean row blew over during high winds at the end of August so yesterday I managed to extract all the canes, gathered some beans for planting next year and left the rest to 'break down' a bit. Felt moderately pleased with my efforts. Came home and harvested the last 6 cucumbers from the greenhouse - sliced and salted ready for pickling tomorrow.


                              • Transplanted into their final position outdoors some Aquadulce Claudia I planted in modules indoors initially (mice!) and have been hardening off outdoors. Pants are already 6 inches high and I just hope they are not too far advanced, and have put on too much soft growth to go through the winter without problems?
                                Cleared away some of the pumpkin foliage and found a couple of hidden pumpkins and a small marrow that I didn't know I had.
                                Rats are proving a problem at stealing the chooks food so I positioned it in a different position until I rig up another 'spring' feeder.
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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