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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Pruned 200m beech hedge, repaired a farm road with tar chippings, weeded someone elses brassica and onion beds.
    Got home, had supper, waterd my show leeks and french beans, planted out some more lettuce, put my 3 year old daughter to bed, came on puter before going to bed!
    Last edited by sewer rat; 17-07-2011, 09:32 PM.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • Very little construcive over the weekend (Mrs Loudbarker away leaving me to look after 2 children) but did manage to renew the slug pellets arround recently germinated mixed lettuce (Marshall's mix I think). I did also water tomatos, soft fruit, bagged potatos, courgettes.

      But I harvested broad beans (last lot) peas (a taste) french beans (first lot - perfect succession from broads) courgettes (abut 10 over w/e from 5 plants) potatos, salad (from earlier mixed sowing, not a bad mix but not enough soft lettuce for my taste).

      Next w/e I wil do better!
      Last edited by Loudbarker1; 18-07-2011, 08:12 AM.


      • Very wet & windy, like October this week

        - planted out red lettuce, black kale, Xmas Drumhead, Musselburgh leeks, golden mange tout
        - and some more stuff for the school's wildlife garden
        - pulled out a bit more horsetail, not so much this time. I'm winning
        - emptied school's wormery, got half a bucket of potting compost out of it (for a year's work, humph)
        - took cuttings of lavender, clematis, roses & salvia
        - cut down all the spent foxgloves, scattered the seed around the beds
        - planted out fuchsias in the gaps, from cuttings I took last summer
        - baked dozens of courgette muffins for end-of-term buffet
        - our council don't clean up the cycle lane, they just mow the edges, so I take the leaves off it myself: got another 4 bags this week Going back soon to prune the brambles growing at face height
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 20-07-2011, 07:27 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • Finally gotten around to buying a couple of trays of what I think are marigolds, so hopefully off to lottie later to plant them around the veg. Sacrificial marigolds, naturally. Well, if they are marigolds! Urm...

          Whatever they are, they will make my central 'picnic area' with the raised beds look pretty.


          • Built a cane, string and netting thing to go around and over my leek bed after a cat decided to use it as a litter tray.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Watered the tomatoes and blasted some capsipillars with the hose pipe.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • watered and fed everything in the greenhouse.
                Cut all the broad beans down, I need the space for cabbages and they're more or less finished anyway, partner mowed the lawn, the clippings went into the side bed and around the pumpkins.
                Emptied the compost tumbler, re-filled with the dry stuff from the main compost bin layered with the neighbours grass clippings. Built up the main compost bin with potato haulms and the foliage from the broad beans.
                Pulled up 4 potato plants, harvested the potatoes, they've given a really good return per plant considering how closely I planted them, and I'll be doing them the same way next year.
                Cleared a tiny bit of space in the greenhouse by finding outside room for 4 of the small tomatoes.
                Planted out kohl rabi and the rest of the fennel.
                Pulled up the shallots.Made a structure for the cabbage net. Saved an enormous bee from drowning in the water butt, poor thing, it's wings were a bit shredded at the back but I think it lived.


                • Yesterday managed to get to the lottie between showers and picked two bags of broad beans, 3 courgettes, dug up my pathetic onions and garlic and pulled loads more weeds to feed the Daleks. Also started on thinning out the raspberries that have invaded from next door's plot


                  • Pulled up the last ratty old mangetout plants- despite the rattiness, i seem to have managed to get a fair number of mangetout for tea tonight! Yumyum. Pot is next to my strawberry planter, so have left it there and dangled a few runners hopefully over it, in the hope some decide to take root


                    • Beamed with pride at my melon and hooligan pumpkin plants which both have lovely flowers on them!
                      Fed all the fruiting greenhouse crops and picked some more purple mange tout.
                      come visit a garden
                      or read about mine


                      • More weeding.


                        • Sat and watched the rain,again


                          • Originally posted by CaroltheCarrot View Post
                            Sat and watched the rain,again
                            Snap! Same as the the day before and the day before and.....


                            • I did some harvesting and then finished off digging a bed for the winter brassicas ,then came home and made pickled courgettes and beetroot pickled in balsamic vinegar ........
                              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                              • Took the dogs out for a walk, bit of breakfast then down to the lottie.

                                Weeded onion and garlic beds with my fancy new hand rake thingy (very impressed). Pulled my poor carrots (carrot fly), raked over the bed and planted out romanesca and swede in their place. Planted out a couple of rows of leeks and prepared a couple of new beds ready to plant out the red cabbage and broccoli. Neighbour popped down to say 'Hi', have a cuppa and went away with some bits and pieces for her chooks. Staked the broad beans as they were flopping around, took the shears to the conifer hedging around the plot, thinned the Little Gems and managed to get another couple of row, weeded the salad bed. Weeded around the French Beans (which look like they may be growing at last) and tidied the courgette bed.

                                Came home 5 1/2 hours later to find that one of the pooches had thrown up in the hall. Got George the Carpet Cleaning Machine out and washed the carpet, vacuumed then cooked tea. Feet now up on the sofa and have just ordered a Bed Lomond Blackcurrant and enjoying a glass of Irn Bru - lovely!


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