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What I Did Today Archive 2008


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  • I spent most the afternoon out in the greenhouse potting on all my seedlings into bigger pots.
    The weather forecast was to be dull and raining today, so I didn’t bother to go down to the allotment, it turned out to be a lovely sunny afternoon.
    So annoyed with the weather forecast been wrong, wasted a good digging afternoon in doors, might chance going to allotment tomorrow cos yet again its forecast rain.
    Smile and the world smiles with you


    • planted out my ruby ball cabbage putting collars on them and protected by plastic bell cloche.
      my plot march 2013

      hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


      • Today I knocked down and burned the remains of an 8 X 12 wooden greenhouse frame.
        I reinstated my compost bins which were behind it and at the end of the day I was knackered!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • I planted more tomatoes (the big seed order from a week ago arrived in the post) - organically-sourced Moneymaker and Black Brandywine, planted Peppermint and Spearmint (my, but the seeds're tiny!), purple jalapenos, lime and cinnamon basil and garlic chives.

          I also phoned the allotment rep of the lotties I want a plot at, and arranged to meet her tomorrow to have a look. Fingers crossed!


          • Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
            Secretly bought more carrot seed [shhhhhhh] includes purple carrot and rainbow carrot.
            Well we wont tell anyone if you wont!
            Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


            • yesterday: dug another 8ft x 8ft patch, very sticky ground, lots of weeds, hard work

              today: recovering from backache! and taking the dog for a long walk with friends .....


              • Yesterday we went to see our lad PhantomVeg (it's his birthday today!) and had a visit to his allotment. Looking good - he's got his alliums in but still clearing and diggng beds. I reckon he's only got about a third to do.
                Today I took more home-made compost to to the allotment and finished digging the bed I'd started and abandoned in a hailstorm. Did another too. Came home. Cut a cabbage for tea. Made bread.
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


                • I put my pots of potatoes outside, most aren't through yet, they are sheltered and easy to cover with fleece if need be. My son dug the bed for the parsnips and beetroot, but the handle on the rake broke so I couldn't get the tilth fine for sowing. Now it's hailing so we came in!
                  I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                  Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                  • Dug out a bed in my greenhouse for my cucumbers. I dug down about 15 inches, put a mix of well-rotted and fresh manure in the bottom and topped up with home-made compost.

                    I also dug out some of the bed around the greenhouse which has always been rubbish and shallow. I dug it up, lined with plastic to stop any more weeds coming through and edged it with some old bits of laminate, and filled it up with home-made compost. I replanted the mint which I'd taken out and which is not the only thing in the bed. It looks good!


                    • hmmm

                      yesterday was a visit with the inlaws which didnt go too well at all, a very boring day all round..........

                      today been to lottie checked cabbage seeds which are coming along nicely, watered seedlings and started digging a trench for the water to run away. Not many people up at all.

                      Good to start digging again after my accident, so must be better, but not doing too much. Now resting on ere and looking at vegetable cages......
                      Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                      • weather been good today, and actually felt reasonably warm at one point, so filled up some pots and baskets with multi purpose and manure... my own compost not quite ready yet! prob put a couple of squash inthe pots, not sure about the baskets yet, prob the tumbing toms. put out some broad beans under cloche. definitely feels a bit more spring like's hoping...!
                        "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


                        • In between rain showers, planted 70 Gladioli in back garden, fed and tied up emerging clematis, finished planting spuds in containers.

                          Dismantled and re assembled garden bench i wrongly assembled several weeks ago.

                          Then hail storms.
                          Blogging at.....


                          • Trousers and I went to our Lottie again today. And because I've not seen Janet Gannet yet to ask her if she wants to 'take it over', and to tell you the truth, I'm still rather 'attached' to it, I've decided to see Mr. Administrator next week, pay for the forthcoming year anyway, and cultivate it as normal, as if we weren't moving to France.

                            We harvested the very last of our Leeks and Purple Sprouting Broccoli, and two Savoy Cabbages. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the Black Tuscan Kale had all bolted, with knobs on...!

                            Those beautiful horses were there again today in the adjacent field.
                            What vibrancy and equal calmness they bring to my soul.
                            Poetic I know, but so, so true.....

                            In our own Potager Garden today, the Parsley has just started to germinate in the greenhouse. The Sorrel seedlings are minute, but well on their way, as are the abundance of Sweet Marjoram, which I just adore..... All the salad leaves are just gorgeous, and providing us with platefulls, that I shall have to 'off-load' some onto my Happy Couple Clients. And I've sown more Rocket today, there's a huge surprise!
                            What am I LIKE!

                            I managed to plant the Brussel Sprouts, Red Cabbage and Cauliflowers today. YO!
                            And gave away some Jerusalem Fartichokes to Next Door's Daughter & Son-In-Law for cooking and RNLI Sale next week? Excellent.
                            Thank you for listening....


                            • Managed to get down to allotment this afternoon and planted some comfrey.
                              It turned out to be a nice afternoon.
                              Smile and the world smiles with you


                              • Over yesterday and today I've sowed some more PSB as the dog jumped all over the last lot, sowed the peppers I got on the cover of GYO, sowed courgettes, some climbing purple french beans, some tiger tom tomatoes, spinach & beetroot. I thought I'd lost my globe artichokes as I planted the crowns over a month ago and no sign of them so I started to dig them up and came accross what looked like some shoots so covered them back up again. Put some Balconi toms in a hanging basket but too cold to hang outside so got it hanging in the utility room at the moment. Spring onions (planted outside) coming on leaps and bounds as is the garlic and shallots. Got one courgette sprouting (also planted outside) but no sign of the cucumbers (marketmore). All in all a productive weekend.
                                Wellie, what part of France are you moving to?
                                Last edited by Novice Gardener; 13-04-2008, 06:24 PM.


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