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Stupid things done at the Lottie


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  • #31
    Digging up spuds with a fork I drove the fork into the ground and realised a hen which was digging with me had got it's head stuck between the tines of the fork. i thought I'd actually speared it on the fork as when I pulled the fork straight out of the ground the hen came with it! Funny now but not at the time!


    • #32
      PMSL at the image suechooks has just given me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      • #33
        The Hedge Trimmer. me and my wife

        On a related gardening note I was using a hedge clipper just by the front door (foolishly without gloves) and took a chunk out of my thumb. I rushed into the kitchen and tried to staunch the bleeding under the tap. I shouted to my wife (who was upstairs) to help me saying I had taken a chunk out of my thumb and was about to go into shock and needed an ambulance (I know it's a typical male response!). She said don't bother me I am doing the ironing. I thought for a second and realised she hadn't quite appreciated the seriousness of the situation. So I shouted back "I'm bleeding all over the carpet". She came down in a trice. Wonderful thing expensive Axminster!
        George the Pigman


        • #34
          Thats fairly similar to what my reaction tends to be. Die, if you must, but do it quietly and don't make a mess!
          Kirsty b xx


          • #35
            I put a new roof on my shed and when i finished, as i put the ladder away i put it through the shed window.

            And i wish i had a pound for everytime i've stud on my rake (


            • #36
              Do you know in cartoons when there is a chase scene, talking tom and jerry here not teenage mutant ninja wotsits!! and they run outside and stand on a rake and it hits them in the chops, yep been there done that!! and although it didn't result in a rake shaped face it bloomin hurt.
              Big sympathy on the fork injury did you say 'forkin hell' when you did it!! lol
              When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


              • #37
                once put an elecric drill down while it was still spinning with a 1/4 inch twist drill in it
                shame it was in my left thigh really.didn't hurt at all and I never noticed until I went to move then looked and felt slightly sick.
                reversed the drill out of my leg (really gross feeling) and it barely bled put an elastoplast on it and it healed up in a week
                seriously though DON'T try this at home.
                don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                Another certified member of the Nutters club


                • #38
                  Two days ago while cleaning the hen house out, i bent down and looked through the door. I didn`t know there was a hen inside until it pecked me in the eye. Stop laughing. I have to wear a patch and put eye drops in every three hours and it hurt like hell.


                  • #39
                    aargh jim lad chooky want's a cracker,hope you get better soon
                    don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                    remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                    Another certified member of the Nutters club


                    • #40
                      Right, here's my latest: the push mower stops dead when it gets a tuft or a lump in it. So what I do is turn it over, spin the blades and the tuft drops out.

                      Except yesterday, it still stuck. So I pushed the blades harder... they suddenly released and spun round, with my finger still in the way (no gloves, natch). Honestly, I thought my finger had come off. Mr Sheds was so worried he made me a cup of tea !!

                      (it's OK this morning, more bruised than cut. What a dumbass thing to do)
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        Except yesterday, it still stuck. So I pushed the blades harder... they suddenly released and spun round, with my finger still in the way (no gloves, natch). Honestly, I thought my finger had come off. Mr Sheds was so worried he made me a cup of tea !!

                        Flippin' heck! that was a close one, glad your ok
                        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                        • #42
                          glad to hear I am not the only one who be giulty of doing the odd stupid thing. reading your mishaps did me no good though as I put a rib out laughing. hope all is well soon to all. please stay safe.


                          • #43
                            I saw someone triming a hedge and told them off for not having the mains lead over their they could not cut thru it.

                            5 mins later it was my go and YEP I cut thru the cable and fused the site....
                            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                            • #44
                              Once had a disc cutter bounce out of my hand when cutting some steel. Managed to cut a groove to the bone from finger nail to first knuckle. The strange thing was that it didn't blead at all as it quartirised the wound.
                              I was really accident prone as a child, was actually known by first name in the local A&E! lol


                              • #45
                                On the note of garden sheds ....

                                My OH finished tacking down the new roof on the garden shed .... to discover he'd managed to kick over the ladder. He was stuck up there until a neighbour came out to take in her laundry and he managed to attract her attention by shouting.

                                Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day


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