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  • #16
    I have more hobbies than energy or time!
    I like to cycle, none competitive and you wouldn't want to see this frame in lycra! It's a gentle form of exercise that gets us about nicely, we pop the bikes on the cycle carrier and drive somewhere flat for a bit of a poodle about, 7-10 miles in nice but we don't get to do this very often, in fact twice so far this year.
    I play guitar in a couple of bands, not as much as in my youth because I value my weekends off, but probably perform 10-14 times a year on average.
    I like to make stuff out of wood, I have access to an endless supply of pallet wood and well as recycling other nicer timber I might find. It's more time consuming that I can really do but very satisfying. I've build our plot shed, planters, a screen for the fruit trees, a folding table/bench for the allotment plant and produce share etc. right down to smaller projects like stair gates for the grandchildren.
    I like to repair and recycle stuff, nothing goes in the bins until I have tried to fix it or at least removed all the nuts, bolts, screws and uasable components for my stock of spares.
    I used to enjoy DIY car repairs, but all that getting down and up again and crawling underneath is for younger lithe people and I'm not that. I tend to pass tools to my sons now and have them fix thier own cars.
    I've got 6 more years to state retirement, so a full time job in an office sapps enough energy and time.
    Did I mention gardening?
    Last edited by ESBkevin; 26-06-2018, 08:40 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mikey View Post
      What a difference a letter makes when your mind is constantly gardening.

      Could you not be sewing and doing embroidery while fishing, in this day we all have to multitask you know......
      If you think I'm lugging the sewing machine on to the boat, you're wrong
      And you reminded me I need to add photography to my list ( not really photography any more as I've gone back to a little point and shoot. But I still enjoy it )
      So I'm far to busy taking photos ( and catching fish ) to do any sewing


      • #18
        WHAT TIME?!?

        I get up, I water the tomatoes, I supervise kids' morning routine and get them to school.
        I go to work. I work.
        I pick up the kids, life admin, school admin, laundry, dinner, bags and clothes for the next day.
        Bedtime routine.
        Cook dinner for Husband and myself.
        Then either plot or admin for two charitable endeavours I'm involved in.
        Clean, laundry, prep for next day.

        Rinse and repeat.

        On Mondays and Thursdays the getting up bit happens an hour earlier and I go to the plot.

        At the weekends its family activities, more plot time and more chores.

        (When I used to have time to pass, I used to play PC games. Mostly the Elder Scrolls series. I liked the skill, story lines and escapism. I also used to write.)


        • #19
          I work two part time jobs so am a bit two and fro Monday to Friday with work and kids. Between jobs and kids I'm trying to teach myself to crochet , bit of a disaster, and I like loom knitting. I enjoy reading gardening books, especially River Cottage and John Seymor.
          At weekend we go to the allotment or go visit my mom and dad.
          Would like to learn to be more self sufficient and learn to use a sewing machine.


          • #20
            My world is shattered as I've just found out I'm too old to be a Cougar.
            Sighs heavily and starts accepting the fact that I'd be classed as a gummy sabre tooth.
            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


            • #21
              Lumpy is the bottom falling out of your world ? then take Ex-lax and what the world fall out of your Bottom! You think you have problems, according to my little Triffid I can no longer refer to myself as a Stud Muffin

              Answering the question, I have run the London Revit User Group for the last 8 years, I used to record and create videos of all the presentations, but as Mrs C got ill I have not been attending to record the presentations. I created a local Hub for Site Reps and took on the council and Idverde re the lack of service. I have had to learn to cook and take on more of the Pink jobs in the last four years, and yes I would eat a roast dinner every day if I could.

              I like to draw and paint although I have not done so for some time. I love ScFi Movies and books. My to do one day is pottery, The allotment is my biggest hobby if you don't count anger management and not killing my little Triffid.
              Last edited by Cadalot; 26-06-2018, 03:08 PM.
              . .......Man Vs Slug
              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
              Nutters Club Member


              • #22
                I read, watch TV with my partner, sew, crochet, sometimes bake bad bread or nice cookies, and I'm trying to get to grips with gardening. These activities vary widely with regard to relaxation and productivity.


                • #23
                  Not enough hours in the day! Dog is walked every morning - gardening dancing reading just don’t know where the day goes!!!


                  • #24
                    another for the "not enough time in the day" camp
                    Hobbies I did
                    - race motorbikes
                    - marshall on the Isle of Man
                    - rebuild motorbikes
                    - ride motorbikes
                    - read
                    - garden
                    - visit old churches/national trust properties
                    - DIY

                    Now I have a child, it's mostly child-wrangling in one way or another. We split weekends, so I get one day on a weekend, oh and took over the second half of the plot. So it's mainly gardening. and reading on the train. First year in over ten years that I'm not out on track at all.


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