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  • Cadalot
    Morning People 12 degrees in the Space Saver that's had the door shut all night, and its been raining and it's overcast but the sun is trying to burn through. So my need to go and water the allotments has been dealt with by mother nature for me, thanks for that babe

    The human body is 85% water, that means we are all just cucumbers with anxiety!

    Still only 3 out of 12 have germinated, really disappointing this year I may have to sow some more if nothing more shows by the weekend.

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  • happyhumph
    Morning all. Chicken pox has increased in the night but youngest still remarkably cheery - hasn't started itching yet! So no work, and will spend the day looking after a poorly child. Morning will involve taking oldest to school, then youngest and I off to the chemist to buy supplies....

    Might get in garden if youngest feeling ok. Have a good day peeps.

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  • Bren In Pots
    Morning only 11c here so much cooler today

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  • rary
    Good morning, a bit cloudy this morning, but dry for now, was busy in the greenhouse last night as I had decided to take out my propagating bench, which entailed moving a lot of sand then I had to saw it in place as after I had put it in place at the start I had made some shelving to hold all my seedlings, the reason for moving it,,, to give me more room for tomatoes, I have already got nine in and five peppers and there are only the two if us in the house, and two of the grandchildren don't like tomatoes, so am now wondering why I decided to do
    that but I do have a number of different varieties to try Have a good day and pass on a smile zzz
    Last edited by rary; 10-05-2018, 05:59 AM.

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  • Nicos
    Mornin Flon'all
    Looks like we had a light frost last night.
    Good job we put the geraniums under cover.

    Tis a Bank Holiday again here but I think I need to spend it ironing.
    Might pop out later and do some weeding....

    Have a great day peeps..See ya later!

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  • Florence Fennel
    Good Morning All Dull and cool here, quite a change. Have a good day

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  • happyhumph
    Who knows VC, you move in mysterious ways

    Night night sleepy chicken and all the other strange and curious denizens of the vine...

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  • bramble
    Good evening all.
    Nothing gardening related done today.
    It was cold, wet and miserable.
    However, all the ironing is done.
    That's how bored I was.

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  • veggiechicken
    I'm here.

    HH, I hope you're not blaming me for your little un's chicken pox.
    Hope they're better soon.

    I've been busy in the GH today, potting on seedlings and thinking. Takes it out of you, this thinking business. Feeling tired.................

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  • happyhumph
    Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
    and no Rary and no VC today. What's occurring?
    It's weird - something wrong in the vine leaves

    Youngest appears to have chicken pox. Fine with it so far, but that's me b******d for work for a while! Will be stocking up on Calpol and calamine lotion tomorrow poor thing.

    Was given some pink lily-of-the-valley today - it's beautiful and smells amazing!
    Last edited by happyhumph; 09-05-2018, 09:08 PM.

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  • jackarmy
    thanks for the 7 Swans

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    and no Rary and no VC today. What's occurring?

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  • Aberdeenplotter
    evening all. Quiet gardening day . Biggest task was watering in the greenhouse. I've got sooooooooh many tomato plants and soooooooh many onions oh and the brassicas and the beans.

    Still got some border work to do at home and did I mention I'm also watering lupins, dahlias, asters and annual chrysanthemums, oh and courgettes ad sweet peas amd french marigolds(for companion planting)

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  • happyhumph
    Dog had her first round of laser therapy for arthritis. She thought it was a bit weird to start with, then enjoyed it so much she started kissing the nurse, then lay down and almost fell asleep!

    4 more sessions over the next 4 weeks, and after a while will try reducing painkillers. Nice to see her happier and in less pain than she was - she even killed a rat last night! (Although it already been hit by a car so just putting it down really).

    Bonkers crazy dog is back, and we're very happy to see her again.

    Right, best finish my cup of tea and go to work.

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  • bramble
    Good morning all.
    Another wet morni g and not a sign of the sun.
    Looks like indoor jobs this morning.
    Hoping for a better afternoon.
    Enjoy your day all.

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