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South Wales meet-up at the RHS Show Cardiff 19-21 April


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  • Have fun tomorrow but leave something for me to buy on Sunday.


    • No chance Steve, Chris will be there before you


      • I'll probably be wearing a red coat tomorrow - so that I stand out in the crowd of little white-haired old biddies
        See you at 10.30 outside the RHS pavilion


        • huoston I am am afraid we have a problem.

          Me and my daughter have come down with a stomach bug!

          My neighbour opposite was off work all last week with it.

          Therefore it is best we do not go.

          Dont know what else to say really.


          VC, needless to say I wont be over tomorrow to give you some square pots.....

          I hope you all have a good day....


          • So sorry CG - hope you haven't paid for tickets yet
            Hope you're both better soon and that your OH doesn't go down with it too.
            See you when you're fully recovered


            • Nope I deliberately intended on buying the tickets on the day. As with a 2 year old things can quickly change.

              I have learned this the hard way previously.

              On the plus side, it is a nice day for me to sow the runner beans in the conservatory.

              And sit in the greenhouse all day!

              I will be in touch when better VC


              • If you felt a bit better tomorrow you could pop down there for the sell-off - and meet CardiffSteve and Linnea


                • Yes, I intend on going tomorrow if better!


                  • Well I here (late). And almost every lady of the same statue and hair as VC has a bladdy red coat on!! Can I find them? Nope.


                    • Ok right my wife did try to sort out that she would have today off or at a push an evening shift but noooooo they gave her a 9.30 to 5.30 shift

                      But then again she if off for the whole day tomorrow so me and my little (biggish) boy will be there tomorrow morning hopefully pick up a few plug just incase worse case scenario I lose all my plants
                      In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                      • Oh and those who are there have a blooming good day

                        Hehe I love pun
                        In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                        • Sorry to have missed you Chris If anyone could have spotted me it would have been you! (It was too hot to keep my coat on!)
                          Lovely to meet Linnea, Scarlet, Dotty Sarah, Keepitgreen, and BB and his OH and we had an enjoyable time swapping seeds in the sunshine
                          After you left I confess to buying more seeds at Pennard They draw me in like a magnet, plus they gave me a bag of Purple Majesty seed potatoes!
                          I also said hello to the owls from the sanctuary that we missed first time round - they draw me in too.
                          Hope you all have safe journeys or enjoyable stopovers!
                          For tomorrow, Darcy and CG, there were some chilli plants for sale.
                          Also, do go to say Hello to Linnea (Vicky) in the RHS information stand and shop. She'll tell you how nice we were
                          Last edited by veggiechicken; 20-04-2013, 05:49 PM.


                          • S'ok - I decided to leave (literally 5 mins before whoever it was that called me?) As needed to pop to pontprennau to check some furniture out.

                            I didn't buy many seeds - just 3 packs and 4 odd plants - but damn I spent a fortune on the coffee beans there though.


                            • My Secretary (Linnea) rang you, Chris - after my other Secretary (Scarlet) had checked my phone for text messages! I said I was hopeless with a mobile phone - now everyone knows how clueless I am!
                              BTW, thanks to Scarlet and BB, the VSP is about to gain some more seeds


                              • What a fantastic day, great to meet you all and massive thanks for the seeds. How good was it to feel the suns warmth again!


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