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  • #16
    Originally posted by ugly gourd View Post
    have you noticed how were all ladies replying to this thread now I have the clevage to match Mrs Dobby do you others could this be the real reason for our bad necks!!
    I guess my bad neck must be through looking at ladies cleveage then

    I get problems with trapped nerves, twice now and have quickly learned that the sooner I can get to see the Physio the quicker it gets sorted.

    The last time it went I saw the physio, a rather slightly built lady, and I stupidly assumed I would be OK in her capable hands. During one session she twisted me violently sendind my hips one way, my shoulders in the opposite way and the loudest fart resoundng around the treatment room

    Undertered she simply said " just relax Mr Trotman" to which my red faced retort was

    "If I did I think I'd Sh*t myself" at which point we both collapsed in fits of laughter

    You don't really need to do anything strenuous to tweek something, something as daft as sneezing could do it.

    One problem we gardeners suffer with is stupidity, you wouldn't dream of going running without warming up frst so why do we think it's OK to try and dig 300 sq yds of allotment without doing the same
    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • #17
      Just wonder if you spend lots of time at the computer? A few years ago, my job required me to spend hours upon days upon weeks upon months at the computer. Result was so much pain I could hardly move. More recently it was bad enough for me to seek help. I tried Pilates, which was okay but what really sorted it was one of those wedgy things you sit on. Always feel like I'm about to slide off it and under the desk but the pain has definitely subsided. Hope you sort it out soon because its really hell!


      • #18
        My neck problems are usually brought on by Miss EB being in our bed and sleeping in a strange position that wouldn't be out of place in the Kama Sutra. Although if that latter were the case I'd manage a smile through the pain
        Bright Blessings

        If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


        • #19
          One problem we gardeners suffer with is stupidity, you wouldn't dream of going running without warming up frst so why do we think it's OK to try and dig 300 sq yds of allotment without doing the same.

          Neither would I Nick, its a job for Mrs P


          • #20
            I definitely wouldn't. That's Mr EBs job, although I help out with advice, suggestions, cups of tea, sandwiches and the occasional emptying of the wheelbarrow!!
            Bright Blessings

            If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


            • #21
              D'oh! Thats where I'm going wrong, its Mr D that should be doing the diggin!!!
              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


              • #22
                Thankyou for all your kind comments, they are much apreciated and cheered me up no end . Still no improvement today, have been using deep heat spray but can't stand the smell so now, thanks to the suggestion by ugly gourd, have my daughters bedtime bear balanced on my sholder. It's the same idea as the wheat pillow and smells of lavender. It is making a big difference and I'm not so pongy anymore.
                I have been to the doctors before, he told me to take ibuprofen and rest which is not much help. My faith in doctors is not that strong i'm afraid.

                Am going out this afternoon to try and find a snoozetime pilow as I think this will help, nightimes being the worst.

                Still frustrated that I can't actually do anything physical but have been using my time constructively planning when I am going to sow my seeds and jotting the dates down in a mini diary, as a guide. It is now crystal clear that I have bought far too many which means taking the plunge and getting a lottie or investing in a large number of containers


                • #23
                  Hi Serenity
                  Sorry I am late posting, was not online much yesterday.
                  I wonder if there is some kind of bug going around as I have had terrific aches and pains in joints since last week.
                  Just wanted to say that I find lavender oil can help with aches and pains, just massage a drop around the poorly bit. It 's vapour helps relaxation, which can improve aches and pains.
                  Arnica ointment is also good for bruises and strains, I put some on a developing blister on my foot yesterday and it has helped.
                  Like you I have little faith in the establishment, but I do resort to painkillers very occasionally.
                  Hope you feel better soon.


                  • #24
                    Having suffered with a bad back since I was 14 (I'm now 31) I can somewhat sympathise.

                    The best thing is to do what works for you. I will say however, that it is better to treat the cause rather than the symptom.

                    Frustration is one of the biggest causes I'd say. I'm 6ft 7 and fairly healthy and strong - however I have slipped a disc just simply from twisting whilst having a shave (face!!!) before now. Yesterday I dug over an area of my allotment and my back started to ache. It was then that I looked at what I was doing and realised I had slipped back into old (bad) habits, bending at the back etc etc. Anyhoo, I will soon be investing in one of those Azada thingy's to aid digging without bending as much, and will take my wheelbarrow into work to get the lads to weld some extensions onto the handles so I don't need to bend so far.

                    Without sounding like one of those fitness gnu's or lifestyle coaches, I'd say that strength and flexibility are key to staying injury free - which let's face it, is hardly rocket science. It's something my osteopath taught me so I didn't have to keep going back to him - which I thought was honest of him.

                    Pain is the body's way of telling you there's something wrong, painkillers deaden that signal - not always a good thing. It's just a case of finding out how not to make it happen again.

                    Failing all that, get yourself to the doctors and ask for a prescription of diazepam!
                    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                    What would Vedder do?


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