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Well the new neighbours have moved in!


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  • #31
    As far as the door goes, does it just need planing down? It's probably had a million coats of paint on it and that's why it's sticking (maybe!). Easily fixed.


    • #32
      Originally posted by FionaH View Post
      I would keep quiet about that if I were you. As clerk to the governors at two schools I am shocked you saw this boys file. Totally unaceptable and a breach of privacy!
      Well, maybe it doesn't get back to you but I would think that most of your governors seek their spouse's opinion over cases at one time or other. I would never break a confidence, I know exactly how important it is that these facts remain confidential. You may consider it unprofessional, but I am happy that my husband confides in me and values my opinion.

      Seeing this boy's file doesn't mean I've been busy gossip spreading - quite the opposite. I now make sure I have time for my neighbours, babysit their younger children so they get to go out (once in a blue moon because they can't leave the oldest for 2 mins without him getting into bother) and always stop to chat as I know his mum is quite lonely. I don't push my nose in, but I'm there if I'm needed.


      Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

      ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

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      • #33
        Seeking a spouses opinion is perfectly understandable, sharing confidential documents is not. This is no reflection on whether your husband values your opinions or not.

        You may not be a gossip in the accepted sense but you have revealed that you are in receipt of this information on a public forum.
        Last edited by FionaH; 21-05-2009, 08:56 PM.
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #34
          On a happier note..

          I met my neighbors this past weekend (OH and I are the one's moving in).. had to go around and sort some things out with the landlord.. and there the next door neighbor was, digging her bean trench in the side garden! After business was over we went to have a chat and introduce ourselves. OH ended up going on a three hour mountain bike ride with the husband while I spent the time with the wife, who drove me around to show all the best garden centers in the area! They may be old enough to have a daughter my age.. but for some reason I think we'll all get along just fine.


          • #35
            I'm closing this thread for various reasons.

            Selfraising I hope your neighbours turn out ok.


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