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Blind dates! Good or bad?


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  • #16
    Sorry sbp, I have never been on a date in my life. Hope it goes well for your "friend" though!
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?


    • #17
      I met my OH on the internet, that was 6 years ago and we now have 2 children! Funny thing was I ony agreed eventually to meet him as he he was local and I wouldn't have to drive very far!

      We met for a drink first as it's horrible if you are stuck having dinner and you really want to leave. And you have the old 'who's going to pay are we going to split it' debate.

      Always make sure someone knows where you are and don't accept even a drink if you think they are dodgy, unless you can see the barstaff pouring it and handing it to you.



      • #18
        I've never been on a BD ever, but I know of several pals that have and have had successful conclusions to said DB .. some are married now from the meeting, some are in long term relationships ....more power to it I say


        • #19
          Originally posted by rustylady View Post
          OK, so who on the Vine is actually looking for a partner?
          ME ME ME ME ME


          • #20
            I met Granny Dragon on a blind date but she wasn't my date! She was my flat mates girlfriend (I hadn't met her) and they tried to fix her best friend and me up. Instead Granny and I fell for each other and have now been married for 44 years. I not only love her to bits but still lust after her to
            It's not the growing old I mind but the growing stupid with it!


            • #21
              Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
              T'internet's the way to go IMHO.

              I had a few dates whilst looking, some good and some very very bad [oh god - so bad], but amongst the fun my OH appeared on the scene; we met 2 weeks later after very restrained sensible emailing and have been together ever since.

              You have to be just as sensible as meeting people in real life, you can block or delete them and a bit of banter generally pulls out their strong and weak points.

              My good friend from Manchester also met her OH there; and they have been together ever since and are trying for a baby.

              My OH is absolutely delish as well; the best £30 I ever spent on that subscription!!! He's upstairs ironing as I type and he is happy digging the garden for me. What more could you possibly ask for!
              Does he have a brother?!
              Last edited by kirsty b; 07-04-2008, 11:31 PM.
              Kirsty b xx


              • #22
                Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                T'internet's the way to go IMHO.

                I had a few dates whilst looking, some good and some very very bad [oh god - so bad], but amongst the fun my OH appeared on the scene; we met 2 weeks later after very restrained sensible emailing and have been together ever since.

                You have to be just as sensible as meeting people in real life, you can block or delete them and a bit of banter generally pulls out their strong and weak points.
                I'd agree with this. After a couple of disastrous dates set up by "friends" (they think I'd go out with him?) I had a look online, just for a laugh .. a free trial for 3 days, I narrowed down a half dozen or so possibles. A few intrigued me enough to sign up for a membership, and within a month I had found "the one". It's our anniversary next week.
                **You have to be careful though, as a lot of men use these sites for one night stands - just have your d!ckhead antenna switched on
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  **You have to be careful though, as a lot of men use these sites for one night stands - just have your d!ckhead antenna switched on
                  a lot of women do too
                  i tried the dating sites last year - first woman i met had a wedding ring on and confessed to only wanting "some fun" so i got back in my car and went home
                  of the other women, most wanted to chat chat chat online, wanted to know the ins and outs of a ducks bum before considering a meet - and it get soooooo boring repeating life history over and over and over .... if someone wants to know all that, i'll tell, nothing to hide, but the whole point of dating sites is to MEET someone, not to chat online
                  lots just wanted webcam sex - bye bye
                  and lots of women used "old" photos from before they put on that extra 20 stone, or professional photos from a "makeover for the day" thing
                  and then there were a couple of women who were extremely keen to shack up - like one who was being evicted and another with disabled kids and wanting a partner (read "babysitter") so she could go out with mates

                  i gave up ..........
                  i may be single, but i'm not desperate - miss right will come along one day ....


                  • #24
                    [QUOTE=zazen999;206338]T'internet's the way to go IMHO.

                    totally agree, found my OH this way, we would never have met in real life he lived 50miles away, and we get married at the end of June
                    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                    • #25
                      I met Mr OWG on a blind date... he was the best friend of one of my mates boyfriends... we were the only single people in 2 groups of friends, so got "pushed" together.

                      That was 10 years ago, we've been happily married for 6 of those years. None of the other couples we were out with that night are still together....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
                        Does he have a brother?!
                        He does as it happens, but he lives in Florida and is happily married.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by rustylady
                          OK, so who on the Vine is actually looking for a partner?
                          Im looking but not holding out any hope. I only seem to attract vain boring guys. The hardest thing is when then find out Im a single mum and they run in the opposite direction because they think Im looking for a father for my girls. At 26 guys my age are a little imature. I think I'll wait 10 years tho I have to point out I've been single for 5 years!!
                          Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!


                          • #28
                            At my age (58) I'm beginning to think I'm past it. I've been on my own for 6 years, and I would love to meet someone interesting but really don't know where to start (or if I'm better off on my own).


                            • #29
                              I've recently ended a relationship that was 6 years too old! I feel much better off being on my own with my daughter. Prob only because it feels like a weight off my shoulders now! Happy to stay single for a wee while longer methinks my daugher is not too happy about it, but it was a decision I had to make! maybe online dating is the way to go?!? sounds like some grapes have been very lucky with it!
                              "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


                              • #30
                                I met my OH on a chat room, 6 months out of divorce (19 years with ex husband), best thing I have ever done though!


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