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  • Mornin Flon'all

    Just listening to a couple of Tawney owls hooting away...and the 7am bells are Chiming
    Three lovely welcomes to the morning

    Not quite sure what today will bring. Managed to buy a couple of Asian ingredients , enough with what we already have to prepare a selection of dim sum, spring rolls, pork dumplings, noodles and a rice dish for Chinese New Year.
    The year of the pig! And apparently it's the year 4717
    And to quote Peter Sellars (not Michael cane apparently!) "Not a lot of people know that"!

    Have a great day peeps...see ya later!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning All

      A mild 6.5° this morning and the snow is receding rapidly

      Not much planned for today as everything over the plots will be saturated.

      Have fun


      • Mornings
        Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
        I have a pick which gets used infrequently but coincidentally just two minutes ago I bought one of these The ground is so wet and heavy just now that I just wasn't going to start with my spade.
        When I moved to my new plot, I found 2 ancient digging hoes (big and small size) same as your Azada, left in the shed. I wondered at first what they were, but found they're so easy to use. Those old boys new a thing or 2, I reckon.
        We have Mizzle this morning, so although it is mild 7C I don't think gardening is on the agenda.

        Have a good'un


        • Mild and dull here this morning.
          Chatting with hubby yesterday we have decided to cut right back on our spud growing this year.
          It surprised me that hes giving up as he looked after them so well.
          Oh well, it’s toms, beans, carrots, corn, onions and salad crops for us then.
          Won’t be long folks
          Have a good day
          Nannys make memories


          • Several azadas here when we moved in. I reckon they had one for every member of the family. I felt a bit like Goldilocks when I picked up the smallest and it was just right. Goodness knows how old it is.

            Anyway, today was supposed to be bright all day. Obviously the clouds didn't read the forecast. And the wind is back already. Gah!

            Work calls for some of the day, then depending on temperatures I'm off out to do a bit of veg patch preparation.

            Have a great day, everyone.


            • good morning all,ground like rock again,a bit of a frost,this weather should be killing of some of the garden pest's,i got 2 of them chillington hoe's,the large one is good for heaping up soil on the spud rows,the smaller 1 is so much lighter,has many uses,had them a few years now,hope it thaws out later on,have a good day and Bgood2yrselves.
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Good morning all.
                A mild 8 degrees but its wet and dull.
                No plans for the day so far.
                Probably domestics but I just want to be outdoors.
                Have a good day all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • I usually go and see my eldest son every couple of weeks. He lives about 5 miles away. I hadn’t seen him since Boxing Day so went to see him today. He brought up a name from the past. I married into a farming family and this chap worked on the farm as a gardener. He was originally employed by my f-i-l as a labourer during WWII when fuel for tractors became difficult to obtain and they went back to horses for a lot of the work. This man was good with using horses for farm work and was kept on afterwards as the gardener.

                  He was very shy around women and whenever I drove him home after work he never spoke to me, he just tipped his cap to me as a thank you. We were trying a Russian machine out on a potato field that was supposed to make harvesting them easier. Rather than turning them out with a spinner and picking them up by hand this machine collected them and bagged them. There were six to eight of us on the machine removing the stones and clods of earth from a conveyor belt.

                  The problem was the machine didn’t like hills and this was a 40 acre field on a hill. The only sentence I ever heard Henry say was “ Oi cud turn they taties out wi a spinner faster than that there ‘chine ‘o thine”. What has happened to our regional accents?
                  "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                  "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                  • Good Morning All, Oreight Janie Have a good day All
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Mornin Flo'nall

                      Hibou has just brought me a baby mouse for breakfast
                      one less to eat my pea crop.

                      More ironing today then a play with my seeds
                      It's supposed to be much warmer here for the next few days so I might start pulling a few weeds from our gravel driveway.

                      See ya later peeps!
                      Enjoy your day
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning all, not too bad out today, still nippy mind you.
                        Finished our new shop window yesterday. We had bought different coloured boxes from the Swedish shop, and finally got them together. We waited until we had a male volunteer lol.
                        Looks lovely.
                        Have a great day folks, I’m off to work again.
                        Haircut booked for Friday
                        Nannys make memories


                        • Mornings,
                          Lucky you Nicos, Mollycat not interested in going out in the drizzle - can't say I blame her

                          Must get on and finish this armchair refurb, son & DIL are coming at the weekend, be nice to use the chair - and clear up the stuff lying about everywhere. (I'm not a tidy up after myself every day sort of person *blush*)
                          At least with this drizzle grot I'm not tempted outside.

                          Have a good'un


                          • Good morning all.
                            A dry morning and 7 degs.
                            Nothing g planned for today , its take it as it comes.
                            Have a good one.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Some great stories above. Really enjoyed reading yours, Janie, moi luvver. My mum's accent is returning to her Devonshire roots now she's on her own. Surprising, after all these years. Mine has drifted towards Mr Snoop's, who's from up north. Every now and then my own voice comes out, when I'm being formal on the phone in English, and it shocks me to hear it.

                              As for mice, I've been wondering about that, Nicos. I'm fencing in one of my patches to stop the dogs and chickens from eating everything and to stop the cats from using it as a toilet. But the mice will have a field day, I suspect, once I've done that. As for any caught prey, the cats chomp it up. One has a particular call to let you know he's turning up with a meal.

                              And here today? Well, Mr Snoop had some strange dreams in the night, one of which involved him having to calculate the price of a tractor priced in some currency that ended in so many 0s he had no idea what it cost. But it did prompt him to suggest as his opening remark this morning that I might consider getting a mini tractor instead of changing my car. One with a trailer for getting muck from a local sheep farm. That's my man!

                              Work calls, but I have been looking around at my cold frames and modules this morning...

                              Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Mini tractor snoop?!..yes!...go for it
                                We used to borrow our next door neighbour's until he gave it to his daughter. It had some brill attachments - topper, grass cutter, others we didn't get a chance to play with.
                                Problem was I found it too heavy to change the attachments myself so I only got to play with it when a certain hunky man() was around...and then he'd want to use/play with it instead
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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