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Problems with the Forum


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  • #16
    Following Baldy's advice, please make sure your, shortcut, favourite or bookmark points to...


    • #17
      How on earth do i do that please,that has just put my brains in a can of worms
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • #18
        Delete whatever link you use to get onto the forum.
        Click on the link in GL's post.
        Save that link to your computer as a bookmark/favourite.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bario1 View Post
          Use the 'Post New Thread' button at the top of the section you want to post in, i.e. 'vegging out'.

          Brilliant, thanks very much.
          Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Baldy View Post
            ^^^ think that might be because your first connection goes to an

            and then when you click on "new posts" you go to

            the https version is an encrypted connection and remembers your details - the http version is not encrypted so is insecure

            ... well, its possibly along those lines...
            Might just have fixed mine, wonder why they changed things round?


            • #21
              The site became https in 2017 and has been a secure site ever since.
              I think Baldy raised it then and it was fixed.

              Anyone who's been having problems since that time should check that they are using the https address.
              There would be lots of complaints if the site wasn't secure!!


              • #22
                These problems are similar to those experienced in March this year. There were several threads open about that time. This is one I found...


                Reasons for the recurrence of these issues include operating system and browser updates to your PC operating system, changes to cookies and the privacy legislation.

                If you click a shortcut and get an error loading the page, check that it starts https://

                If the page is not launched with an https:// url, the application will not read the cookie and validate your ID and password.

                The application will then attempt to do the validation part during a redirection to https:// when you click a link.

                You can solve this by...

                1. Edit the shortcut and insert an s in the url and save it.
                2. Create a new short cut or favorites

                If you are continually having to enter the password (PC based Explorers) it is because it is not being saved in the cookie. This can be resolved by deleting the cookies and starting again WARNING - IF YOU CLEAR THE COOKIES, OTHER APPLICATION MAY STOP WORKING

                Close the browser, and relaunch the application, enter the password and tick to save password.


                • #23
                  This a recent occurrence for me, less than a week I think.


                  • #24
                    Good memory, 4Shoes, Thanks.


                    • #25
                      To startwith, I'm on an HP laptop on win 10 and using Chrome as my browser.

                      Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                      I'm still having problems getting the Forum to react to my actions. Tried to like VC's post and had to use the scroll down arrow at the side of the screen and then return to the like button at which point it worked.

                      Then pressed Reply to thread, same thing.

                      Summat isn't right. Same again when I tried to post this. The post quick reply button should turn green under the cursor but doesn't until the scroll down arrow is used. really weird
                      Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                      Evening all.

                      went out to explore the world of new front doors this morning. Our existing door is warped and a gale whistles in if the wind is in the right/wrong direction. Not committing to anything at this stage. It will be expensive.

                      Also had an explore in a Homebase store which is closing . Bought a few things at big discounts but not at VC's Morries yellow sticker rates

                      Then went to M&S food and bought a ten quid meal deal. Lovely fish pie, colcannon spuds and a bottle of red. Yummie.

                      It's not just yellow stickers which make me happy

                      and again, had to use the scroll down before this would post
                      Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                      It's not just me. Others were getting this the other day. and again had to scroll down to be able to post this

                      The above is a series of examples of the same problem I had yesterday evening
                      Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 26-11-2018, 08:01 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
                        Yes, more often than not, I have to scroll down again to like and to post, a blimmin PITA - don't know what has changed here, but something has
                        Clearly, the above problem isn't just me and to copy the above quoted post, I had to scroll down before it was possible and I then had to scroll down before the "post quick reply " button changed to green and allowed me to post


                        • #27
                          What site address are you using, Ap - http or https?


                          • #28
                            I'm using https


                            • #29

                              I even had to use the scroll down button before I could type in the quick reply box here but funnily enough whilst typing I floated the cursor over the "post quick reply" button and it turned green indicating it would post


                              • #30
                                which it did and using the quick reply box this time wasn't a problem although trying to post was . I'm going to use the scroll down button and if this appears that worked again


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