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Biofriend Slug Banish


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  • Biofriend Slug Banish

    Has anyone used this product?

    As I've been indoctrinated in the 'all God's creatures' approach to life, I can't bear the thought of killing anything, although I'm starting to think slugs may not be God's creatures but Satan's in fact!

    This product appeals to me because it says it ancourages the slugs to pack up their old kit bags and do a bunk, rather than die a lingering death from pellets, beer or critters eating them from the inside out, although a fellow plotter cuts them in half with secateurs (cold blooded murderer - I've got me eye on him, could be me next!)

    I've checked and there was a post back in 2006 asking the same question, but doesn't seems to have been answered?
    'May your cattle never wander and your crops never fail'

  • #2
    Where do you think they will go???
    Most likely to someone else plot who will have twice as many to get rid of............


    • #3
      Well Tootles - I'm hoping it won't be France, cos they'll need a passport for that one and the ferry ports and airports are likely to be closed in this weather - so you're reasonable safe - mind them there slugs are canny creatures
      'May your cattle never wander and your crops never fail'


      • #4
        If it's the organic ones, then yes they work. They go off somewhere and die quietly. I believe that the pellets don't hurt any other wildlife...and if the organic tutor at Garden Organic [who trialled them a few years ago] says it's ok, then it's good enough for me.


        • #5
          I don't think they're pellets, it says you water down the powder, which they claim is organic friendly (not sure what that means) and water onto your soil. This changes the soil makeup which the slugs don't like so they just slither off. I don't think they die, although they may slither onto my blood thirsty fellow allotmenteer's plot and experience the Sweeny Todd approach, but then my conscience will be clear, it's their own fault and I'll get my reward in Heaven - NOT!
          'May your cattle never wander and your crops never fail'


          • #6
            I used it last year and for the first time I had lovely white crispy summer cauli's but then the monsoons started and it was not as affective but have bought some more ready for this season.


            • #7
              Is Biofriend Slug Banish its actual name please? I was interested in a product called Slugclear which you apparently water into the ground and it kills those slugs that lurk in the soil and that you don't normally see. It took ages to track some down and I was dead chuffed last weekend to find some in a gardening centre in Harlow.
              Good job I looked at the instructions carefully as it said NOT to use it on vegetables!!!!!


              • #8
                Hi Sanjo
                Yes that is its name - Victoriana Nurseries advertise it - the only thing it says is dont water too much over leaves and don't use on rhodedendrons. It also says to use when fairly dry weather conditions and as Paul W said it lost its power when it got drenched it must get a bit iffy if there's a major downpour. It does say one application lasts 9 months though and for a tenner that's not bad - I worked out using Nemaslug three times over a season would be nearer thirty quid.
                'May your cattle never wander and your crops never fail'


                • #9
                  Thanks for that Mogs, I'll look into it. At the moment I use organic pellets which are supposed to be safe for birds etc. but would prefer something like your bio stuff. Cheers!


                  • #10
                    I meant the monsoons that lasted most of the so called summer not just a shower.


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