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Eradicoat / spider mites


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  • Eradicoat / spider mites

    Hi all.

    I'm having some issues with spider mites at the moment on my chilli plants. I want to get rid of them in an organic way, but am having trouble getting hold of the stuff to do this. I've had rhubarb juice recommended, but can't get hold of the leaves at the moment which is all i need to make the liquid (don't like the rest of the rhubarb plant!) I've also heard good things about liquid soap sprays, but this seems to be an American product and I'm not having much luck tracking it down here (apart from via Ebay from America with huge delivery charges). Finally I found something called Eradicoat on the website - Defenders - Safe Effective Natural Biologist Pest Control for Gardeners. Has anyone tried this? Is it as good as they say?

    Or can anyone recommend anything else which may get rid of the mites? (Ideally cheap mail order, or available from big name shops that I might be able to find easily in Bristol - all my local garden centres have closed down ).

    Thanks for any help!

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