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Advice needed on which compost to use (sorry, long post)


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  • #16
    Hey, Indigo. Best advice I can give you mate is just go for it. Try lot's of different things, but don't worry too much about "the rules" this year. Nature has got a way of fighting whatever you do anyway. Do everything right, and something will go wrong. Do something wrong, and nature will fight back to try and compensate.

    Year one - feed the head, year two - feed the belly. Do a couple of things "wrong" on purpose just to see what happens. All the advice in the world won't help you until you get some practical experience to relate it to. If you're growing from seed, grow some duplicates in a different medium, or in a different place, or feed one and not the other. Don't wreck it on purpose, but see how the plants react so you know the signs. Don't think of this as a science, more of an art - the rules don't always work and you have to get "a feel" for it. Whack some seeds in a bit early, and some more in a bit late. Play around with it and have fun. Next year you'll be much better off for it.

    Last year I pretty much grew everything in multipurpose compost, and it didn't work with onions for example. I mixed in some top soil with MPC on some later, and they would have worked a treat ... but ... I either needed to have started them earlier or given them a better location. Some plants loved MPC, but were in the wrong spot in the garden, some worked fantastic! My corn grew taller and fruited earlier than the commercial fields that my neighbour drove past every day, and he was amazed what mine achieved in a small planter. My strawberries thrived in seed compost as that was all I had left when they went in - but I watered and fed accordingly, based on what the plants were telling me.

    Last year was my first year and I jumped in at the deep end, and I am really REALLY glad I did. You'll feel a lot happier with some experience of getting thing wrong under your belt too, I'm sure


    • #17
      Last year I pretty much grew everything in multipurpose compost, and it didn't work with onions for example. I mixed in some top soil with MPC on some later, and they would have worked a treat ... but ... I either needed to have started them earlier or given them a better location. Some plants loved MPC, but were in the wrong spot in the garden, some worked fantastic!
      If I am using containers I mix MPC with home made compost from my "Daleks" and add a handful of general fertiliser to each 2 gall bucketful.

      I find it puts a bit of body into the mix and makes the containers just that bit heavier so they don't get blown around as much.
      Treat the earth well,

      it was not given to you by your parents,

      it was loaned to you by your children.


      • #18
        Thanks everyone :-) Sorry for the quick post but my toddler is calling! I just have one more question - can any leftover shop bought compost be stored for the following year? When we moved into our house the previous owners had left a bag of compost in the garden, don't know how long it was there but when I opened it it was infested with lots of little flies! Wouldn't want the same to happen to any compost saved for next year.


        • #19
          Just check it isnt the previous owners wifes head.

          I use last years compost both stuff still in the bag or from pots etc. It has probably lost a lot of its fertility (If it ever had any) but that can be put right by adding your own fertiliser.
          photo album of my garden in my profile


          • #20
            I hope not Bill, I didn't look that closely! Thanks for the tip.


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