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Who knows their onions 2018?


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  • #16
    I often find that shallots make a lot of root growth before they show any tops. I'd have a look under the trays to see if they are rooting.


    • #17
      I've just planted nearly 90 Sweet White onions, which will be good for summer salads as well as for cooking with. Bought these as seedlings, not sets.

      I'll also be growing Dulce de Fuentes (50) Figueres (120) and Moradas de Amposta (120 - I've seem these last ones in the UK as Red or Bronze from Amposta, but they're more pink than red), bought in as seedlings, not sets.

      Will also be growing Roja de Zalla (Red from Zalla), bought the seed from MoreVeg.

      Will also be growing shallots from sets.


      • #18
        After two years of growing onions on my plot the main thing I've learned is DON'T PANIC.

        Signs of leaf miner? Pinched out what I could see, carried on regardless... good harvest.
        Red onions bolting? Picked and ate them early, carried on regardless... good harvest of the rest.
        Entire crop goes grey/black with mould? Pick and eat some, thinning out, weed thoroughly.... good harvest.

        Every year there seems to be some panic, sometimes two... and then I still seem to get a good harvest. I'm nearly out of yellow onions in storage now (mostly because I bulk cooked some balti that uses kgs of the things) but I'm good for red onions for some time, still.

        And I just checked my order. Phew. I chose Sturon.


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