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Premature Bolting of Shallots


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  • #16
    Trousers has taken a photo of 'Over The Fence Shallots' for me. Provided we can 'get the photo up on the thread' - then I hope that we can show you exactly what we mean in true pictorial fashion.
    The fact that it seems this isn't a 'one-off', it may be helpful to some? I do hope so.
    Cross Fingies....


    • #17
      Piccies as promised....

      Elderly's Shallots are growing to the right of his picture, behind the chainlink fence. Mine, by comparison, are growing, from bought sets, in the middle area of the raised bed, with Banana Shallots from seed to the right of them.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Well, your shallots look about twice the size of his - but then his runner beans look a bit yellow as well to my eyes!

        Botonist Dr Hazel suggest lots of manure and new seed next year!

        But then I'm the one with the eelworm which has done for my onions........!


        • #19
          Yes, I'd say his soil needs 'beefing up', but he won't spend the money I seem to think....
          Thanks everyone, I'll buy him some new shallots for a present next year!


          • #20
            Can I go back a few steps and ask what you mean by "Bolting"? I've heard the same thing said about tomatoes.


            • #21
              I would say that his ground has been drained of nutriment because if a plant thinks it is about to die it will make seed so that it reproduce's after it is gone hope this makes sence to somebody you could of course scrounge one of his shallots and grow on your plot to try out the theoryjacob
              What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
              Ralph Waide Emmerson


              • #22
                jacob marley,

                That makes sense. And what an interesting idea...... if he has one for me next year I will. Thanks.


                'Bolting' is when the plant sends up a potential flower stalk, which, if left, will start to produce seed. If you are growing shallots for their edible bulb, you don't want this to happen, because it ruins the bulb, and certainly it wouldn't store then.

                Tomatoes, no. They send out flowering stalks which you DO want them to flower and produce seed, as the seeds are incased in the actual tomato fruit.
                So I wouldn't say Tomatoes 'bolt', no.

                Leeks do, Florence Fennel does.....

                Hope this helps?


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