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when to plant jerusalem artichokes


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  • when to plant jerusalem artichokes

    Hi all. My JA tubers have just arrived but not having grown then b4 I don't know how soon they can go in the ground (assuming it ever thaws out of course!!). Do I need to chit them like a potato or just sling them in as is? Thanks!
    If it ain't broke...fix it til it is!

  • #2
    Here you go Jerusalem artichoke / RHS Gardening


    • #3
      As the RHS guide indicates, plant from March onwards - Last season I even planted as late as June, in two large tubs (one tuber in each) and still had a reasonable harvest by December.

      Here is a useful link :

      Last edited by alex-adam; 24-02-2013, 08:27 AM.


      • #4
        When to plant them? Never...ever..they take over the world.....i keep finding them in all parts of my garden and land ...having said that have you seen the price of them in the supermarkets etc? Real money they want for what is basically a be careful where you put them pots is a good idea but they grow so tall (pretty flowers tho)and they make you f**t.
        Last edited by Jardiniere; 24-02-2013, 07:49 AM.


        • #5
          You can plant these anytime of the year. They are as tough as old boots. They sit out in perfect condition through any weather, and will spring into growth as soon as the ground warms. The tubers are almost impossible to kill with cold weather in the UK.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jardiniere View Post
            When to plant them? Never...ever..
            ^ This .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jardiniere View Post
              When to plant them? Never...ever..they take over the world.....i keep finding them in all parts of my garden and land ...having said that have you seen the price of them in the supermarkets etc? Real money they want for what is basically a be careful where you put them pots is a good idea but they grow so tall (pretty flowers tho)and they make you f**t.
              amen to that don't plant them at all,still trying to get rid after 4 years.
              besides they taste like snot if you mash them,taste like dried snot if you roast them and as a final insult give you so much gas you can move round the allotment like a hovercraft
              don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
              remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

              Another certified member of the Nutters club


              • #8
                I love JA's but this year I only got enough for one meal from my plants not sure what happened to them.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #9
                  I bought a few a while ago and have stuck them in a pot of compost in the greenhouse until probably next month when they will get put outside on the plot.

                  My friend made chips with them and said they were lovely.


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