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Are you a plot addict?


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  • #16
    I spend at least a couple of hours most weekends and in the school holidays a couple of hours every day at the allotment. In the summer I will also have a couple of hours one or two evenings a week - especially if there is watering, harvesting, planting to be done. I can 'waste' time chatting but most people understand that when you say "Well got to get on" it's not because you're bored! I also have a couple of raised beds at home and lots of stuff in pots on the patio and in the flower borders but I can see to those in half hour chunks when I don't have time to go to the plot. I have noticed that there is warp in the space-time continuum at the allotment site/greenhouse as time passes very much more quickly in those locations. You glance at your watch and an hour has vanished!


    • #17
      Our new plot(since July) is 1 mile from my house. I work shifts but spend as much time as I can up there getting it ready for next year :-)


      • #18
        Yep I admit I'm a lottie loverrrrr. I have a modest suburban garden which takes very little time to take care of. Being clayish soil and a tad soggy to work I cant grow what I would like to, certainly not veg, so its mostly shrubs a a few colourful herbaceous perennials. I travel 13 miles each way to my alloment and am able to grow what I want. I love being out in the fresh air and sunshine and the soil is great so I have a great base to work with. I go 3 - 4 times a week.
        Attia of the julii


        • #19
          Sat mornings at our lottie seem to be a bit more social as the hut is open for bacon butties and hot drinks........I generally spend most of a Sunday up there and then 2 or 3 mornings a week depending on what needs doing and then in the summer some evenings as well .
          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


          • #20
            It realy depends on the time of year.

            In spring I must spend about 4-8hrs a week on the plot
            In summer probably 8-16 depending on what else we are doing
            In autumn probably about 4-8 again and in winter 0-2 hrs a week

            Summers always the best time because its nice and sunny (most days)!


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