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Today I Mostly Harvested......


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  • Today I’ve harvested 1st earlies (swift) and some French beans (not sure of the variety, as brought as plug plants) for my version of Tuna Nicoise


    • more beans! I have had to give some away to my neighbour.

      Chives and mint for a potato salad ( yesterday's leftovers), cos lettuce and some assorted salad leaves. dwarf beans to add to bean salad.

      also 5 strawberries and 3 pea pods , which didn't make it in from the garden but tasted lovely


      • DH went harvesting on Friday before we headed down to family for the weekend. He came away with a cabbage each for my and his folks, as well as some red onions, enough peas for 6 adults and a toddler, 3 baby courgettes, and a few more stalks of rhubarb.

        At this stage, apart from the spuds being an abject failure, we are getting about half of our veggies from the plot every week. Currently, as well as above, have lettuce, broadies, baby turnips, mangetout, garlic, and lots of herbs. Just about finished the raspberries, and waiting on the second lot of radishes to be ready (hopefully about 10 days away), I expect calabrese in the same timescale.


        • harvested yesterday for Sunday roast.

          Two large swede,
          A dozen chantney carrots and six purple carrots,
          Two ball courgette's and two yellow,
          Red onion,

          Yum yum yum yum.


          Ps...on Saturday i harvested eighty shallots and twenty more red onions.


          • Picked 2.5kg of blackcurrrants from 4 bushes, another 250gms raspberries and loganberries, must have at least 1.5kg in freezer by now. Getting really bored taking stalks off currants, have seen those picking thingies in the mags, has anyone tried them?


            • Am really thrilled as a newbie - have picked about 6lbs of Kelevedon Wonder peas and a good few handfuls of Broad Beans over the last couple of days (in between the torrential rain here in South Wales!). Also the raspberries are turning red almost faster than I can pick them.
              Shallots and garlic are drying in the shed.
              All very nice.
              Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


              • Yesterday was really good - raspberries, redcurrants, onions, garlic, runner & broad beans, new potatoes, and salad leaves


                • Yesterday - new potatoes and CCA lettuce plus plenty of carrot thinnings.
                  My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                  • Dug up a couple of plants each of Kestrel, Rocket, Red Duke of York and Pink Fir Apple Spuds, ( the last are known in our family as 'severed fingers' because the first time we grew them they didn't get very big and that's what they looked like!).
                    Picked 5 courgettes, one of which thought it was a marrow, Dug up all my shallots and spring planted onions, they've been really good this year. Picked a few peas that I'd missed from a row that's ready to be pulled up, cut remaining calabrese.


                    • 2 plants of potato Vanessa, one had lots of hen's egg size spuds and the other five massive ones. Runner and broad beans, courgettes, raspberries, redcurrants and summer PSB


                      • Today Dad and I harvested our first carrots and yet more beetroot! Will be picking blueberries and bloackberries tomorrow (weather permitting).


                        • Cos Lettuce, Kale, French Beans, Courgettes, & Tomatoes.

                          Updated 23rd February 2009


                          • carrots, radish, peas, tatties, onions, garlic.

                            .......... a couple of rashers of bacon and thats dinner sorted


                            • Farmers Market today so from 4am to 7.30 am (and in the pouring rain) I picked, pulled cut or dug up the following;
                              25kg Charlotte potatoes, 25kg Foremost potatoes, a box of Purple Top Milan Turnips, 16 Sweetheart Cabbage, 12 Ballhead cabbage, 20 heads of calabrese, approx 15kg Broad Beans, 25 Courgettes, 6kg Goosegogs, 12 long Cucumber, 20 midi Cucumber and a hunk of a chunk of Horseradish roots.

                              British by birth
                              Scottish by the Grace of God



                              • Loads of spuds, cos lettuce, lollo blondi lettuce, lambs lettuce, rocket, turnips, beetroot, raspberries, shallots, broad beans, peas, mange tout, courgettes, chard, a couple of tomatoes, gherkins, blueberries, gooseberries, sweet pepper and a small chilli. Will be picking some herbs for tea also. Probably my best day since I got the lottie and it's all very exciting!

                                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


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