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How much garlic are you growing?


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  • How much garlic are you growing?

    Hi All

    Just wondering how much garlic peeps grow, as I love garlic and often just eat it raw (The wife cant stand garlic ).

    This time round I have made a raised bed just for my garlic it measures 24ft x 3.5ft, although I have only filled just over half so far with compost I have 87 cloves planted in it at about 4 inch spacing so I reckon next year I should easily get 150 (well it is supposed to be good for you) in the bed and there must be at least 70 already poking up above the surface.
    Last edited by crichmond; 28-02-2009, 09:46 PM.
    Cheers Chris

    Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.

  • #2
    cripes that is a lot of garlic


    New Boy & Son Blog My Blog about a new gardener's experiences with his son

    Independent Minds


    • #3
      Well I do also eat 2 or 3 cloves of pickled garlic a day as well.
      Cheers Chris

      Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


      • #4
        i am a garlic lover too, but i think you must be the most extreme one i've ever come across
        how on earth can you live with a garlic-hater?
        how does that work?

        New Boy & Son Blog My Blog about a new gardener's experiences with his son

        Independent Minds


        • #5
          Well I'm afraid my amount sounds pretty meagre in comparison. I've planted 16 cloves.
          AKA Angie


          • #6
            Originally posted by Iamhanuman View Post
            how on earth can you live with a garlic-hater?
            how does that work?
            Well I have my own chair in the front room, and in the room upstairs she tends to face away from me.
            Cheers Chris

            Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


            • #7
              Oh bugger.

              I've got 100 cloves in that were bought esp for growing [not eating], plus the 50 that I'm growing for the moon trial, plus a few more that i found in the compost heap that were going great guns, plus some more that Finedon Dandy sent me, plus a few more that grew from cloves that didn't do much last year...I'd say about 180 all in all.

              I have every intention of all family and friends receiving a garlic plait for next Christmas though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                Oh bugger.

                I have every intention of all family and friends receiving a garlic plait for next Christmas though.
                an admirable goal!!!!!!!!!!!!

                New Boy & Son Blog My Blog about a new gardener's experiences with his son

                Independent Minds


                • #9
                  This is my first season growing Garlic, so I wanted to try a number of varieties to see what worked for me. I bought the Garlic Lovers pack from theGarlicFarm. I have about 80 cloves consisting of 7 different varieties that were planted last Autumn. Some are in raised beds made of compost, some are just in the earth in the garden, some are in pots & troughs. So far all appear to be growing quite strongly, some of the above ground green bits (scapes?) are about a foot long now. Being new to the whole GrowYourOwn thing it does feel like a long time to wait for a result, but hopefully come August I will have a good crop and teach myself how to make plaits and be self-sufficient for several months if not the whole year. The amount of Garlic I use in cooking it should save me a few quid
                  There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zazen999 View Post

                    I have every intention of all family and friends receiving a garlic plait for next Christmas though.
                    I said that to the OH after Christmas Although I don't think I've got enough in to give everyone a full plait, I have a few foodie friends that I'd like to give a half dozen or so to.

                    I'm not sure how many cloves I've planted, but it's 8 bulbs so far, and 2 more Wight Cristo to go in as soon as I can.


                    • #11
                      I didnt count how many cloves went in last October. There is about 9 square metres of Elephant and about 4 square metres of assorted others, I'd like more but space is very limited.
                      I must admit to being a total elephant fanatic but as a versatile vegetable in it's own right, not as a substitute for "proper" garlic.
                      This year I must be more organised, 300 elephant and around 100 others sounds about right. Something will have to give so watch out lawn.
                      Family motto "semper in excretum"


                      • #12
                        I have about 40 cloves growing. I get frozen garlic 100g for 54p from Morrisons!
                        Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

                        I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


                        • #13
                          42, who new three bulbs had so many cloves! They're all scattered around the garden too wherever there was space so it's gonna be fun finding it all to dig up.


                          • #14
                            hmmmmmm....I guess I am going to have to plant more...lolol...


                            • #15
                              Last year I got my garlic from the Garlic Farm and it was my first decent crop despite the rubbish weather, so I thought it was worth the expense. However I ended up with a lot more than we could use (even allowing for some giveaways), so this year I've bought the Garlic Lover's pack again but sold the spare cloves to reduce my costs a bit.

                              So far I've planted 36 cloves from the six "early planting" varieties, plus the elephant garlic, in one of my raised beds at home; the Solent Wight will go in at the lottie in about a fortnight, as I need to clear the ground a bit first.


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