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Which is which??


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  • Which is which??

    Hi have just found this site today and I am impressed. I have an allotment and brand spanking new 10ft greenhouse. Unfortunately I got carried away and planted some things without labelling. To be more specific cucumbers and corgettes. So is there anyone out there that can tell me is there a way of telling the difference in its flowers or leaves. One or two have tiny fruits but it still doesn't help.

  • #2
    Can be difficult to tell on seedlings as the leaves are similar and varieties of both can vary. However, courgette flowers are much bigger than cucumber ones so that should help.

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    • #3
      From looking at my courgettes and cucumbers, the courgettes have large yellow/orange lily like flowers on them and the cucumbers have much smaller white flowers on them.
      Last edited by smc999; 27-05-2008, 12:04 PM.


      • #4
        The plants are roughly two months old and the leaves are huge and taking over Do you know if I should trim them?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lady Veg View Post
          The plants are roughly two months old and the leaves are huge and taking over Do you know if I should trim them?
          I've been taking the larger leaves and stems off mine as they were starting to take over my greenhouse. This didn't seem to harm them at all as I was just taking off the forward facing leaves and leaving the side and back ones. Don't take this as gospel though, as I couldn't find any guides anywhere and its my first time growing them.


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