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planting out times and sizes?


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  • planting out times and sizes?

    Is there a thread anywhere about how big things should be before planting out? Is is the weather that's most important (ie frost) or the size of the plant?

    I have lettuces, brassicas, leeks that all look big enough to cope but still not sure.


  • #2
    I think its the weather thats most important - afterall most of what gets started in modules (often for earlier planting to beat the weather!) can be direct sown outsoors.
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • #3
      i prefer to pot on from the cell modules to 3.5" pots and then plant out when they get bigger, mainly because bigger plants will stand a better chance of surviving slug attacks


      • #4
        Bit early for leeks, I would have thought. Usual advice is to plant out Late May/early June, when around pencil thick stem. Lettuce and brassica seedlings about 4" inches tall. Remember to harden off by putting outside during the day for a week or so, so they get used to outside temperatures. Also with brassicas and lettuce, protect against slugs and pigeons. Good luck.


        • #5
          The general rule is ... when big enough to fend for themselves. I mean, tall enough so the slugs can't reach, but not so big that they get pot bound. Tricky, isn't it?
          My stuff gets put outside as soon as poss, because greenhouse space is limited.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            If your plants look sturdy enough then no reason why they cannot be planted out - but might still be worth giving them some protection, such as fleece, as the weather is equally as important as plant maturity. It's not an exact science, but is something that most will learn through trial and error.
            Best bet is to ask someone local to your area - I'm way behind most of you - the soil is still way too cold up here at the moment - need a week of warm weather then I can get going but at the moment, I'm restricting myself to my shallots and onion sets outside - everything else that is happening is happening in the tunnel.

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • #7
              Thanks all,

              I have leeks coming up in the raised beds but have some 'spares' in the cold framw. I have 3 to a 4 inch pot at the mo, tiny they are, will they need potting on before going out?

              The others I will just use my 'intuition'... ie, wait and see on the 'what I did today' thread, lol.

              I think the brassicas /lettuce can go out in a couple of weeks maybe weather permitting.



              • #8
                I recon its better to err on the side of caution when planting things out.After all ,half the work is getting them to that stage in the first place,and if your harvest is a few weeks later so what.


                • #9
                  Very true. The trouble comes when the cold frame is full, the mini greenhouse thing is full and OH is getting fed up with things all over all the windowsills! So you have to get them in the garden!



                  • #10
                    I need windowsills 10 feet wide,or a massive heated greenhouse lol.


                    • #11
                      I have just been informed today by the powers that be (ie the one who earns the dosh and doesn't look after the children) that a greenhouse is on the cards!) yippeeeeee



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