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Is it too early...


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  • Is it too early...

    Hi All,

    Is it too early yo put my seedlings into a cold greenhouse??

    Tomatoes,peas, sweetcorn,chillies etc

    Thanks, Mandy

  • #2
    In Falkirk, I'd say yes. I have mine out in the day but I bring them into the house at night until mid-May. East Yorkshire. If you have a max/min thermometer - about £5 - you can keep an eye on your night time temperatures for a few days and judge for yourself.

    However, if you have some fleece to put over them if a frost is forecast you might get away with it. It depends if your greenhouse is near the house or away on the lottie.
    Last edited by Flummery; 17-04-2007, 02:40 PM. Reason: to add the 'however'!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      Hello Mandy,
      I have all my seedlings, including tomatoes, cukes, peppars, courgettes etc etc all in the greenhouse. I turned the heat off two weeks ago. All seem to be thriving great. I put them ALL outside in the sun all day, then tuck them up in the greenhouse at night...Lauren
      "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.” - Leo Aikman


      • #4
        I've got all my seedling in my unheated greenhouse...

        We're on the north west coast, so it's hellishly windy, so I keep a load of fleece in the greenhouse "just in case" to cover stuff up if it gets really colf or frosty


        • #5
          Thanks everyone, I have been tucking them in at night but maybe I am a little too keen

          The lowest I have had is 5C, but maybe better safe than sorry as I am a bit further north.



          • #6
            Hi MB. Im 10 miles outside Edinburgh and I've had all my seedlings in an unheated greenhouse for 2 weeks now, they all seem to be fine.
            Jules AKA Inca'smum


            • #7
              HI Inca's mum,

              Do you use fleece etc?

              I want to leave everything out but don't want to be crying about dying seedlings.

              It is a new greenhouse and I WANT to fill it

              Thanks, Mandy


              • #8
                I dont use fleece,dont have any, and everything is ok. I have been wondering about the next few nights though 'cause we are meant to get really cold weather here again. Dont know if hubbywould be very happy if I asked to go to the garden centre again tonight, we were there all weekend! I think I'm going to chance not using any.
                Jules AKA Inca'smum


                • #9
                  Thanks Inca's Mum,

                  I think I will leave them be tonight, will get a better thermometer after work and keep an eye on things just in case. Maybe some more fleece and seeds..... just in case



                  • #10
                    It's really bad but I dont have a thermometer either, I bought one when my kids were babies (health visitor told me it was a must for the nursery) was never out the blinkin room checking it, drove me mad and made me totally paranoid. So I decided not to buy one for the greenhouse.( trying to pretend that I have regained my sanity)
                    Jules AKA Inca'smum


                    • #11
                      I have in my unheated greenhouse Lettuice,sprouting broccoli,melons tomatoes,chillies,runner beans,borlotti beans, peppers & other stuff I have forgot about. All seem to be going well.
                      I planted outside to-day 28 runner bean plants.
                      Last edited by bubblewrap; 17-04-2007, 04:38 PM.
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #12
                        Hello Mandy, glad to see you have your greenhouse up. Understand why you're desperart to start using it. Strictly speaking it's too early to have your plants out there - except your peas, I germinated mine in the unheated greenhouse, hardened them off and planted them They're looking great. Will just have to watch out for frost and get get the fleece over them. Poundland have it for , yes, £1. I've bought loads.
                        If you want to chance it you would probably get away with it if you used plenty fleece. And not too late to start again if it goes pear shaped.
                        It's up to yourself.
                        I'm chancing it with some squash I planted ridiculously early. They're outside with flowers on and wrapped in fleece at night. So far so good ! If it fails I've plenty time for more.

                        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                        • #13
                          Please take care far this has been an unusual year as far as weather is concerned!!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • #14
                            You might lose your runners Bubblewrap as we are forecast frosts this weekend. Soft outside plants like beans I have only just sown in pots. Protect them with fleece if you can.


                            • #15
                              I have everything out now or in unheated greenhouses! this is the first night for some of them i.e runnerbean babies, sunflowers, nasturtium, melon i hope there is no more frost!!!
                              The closer to nature I become the more alive I am!



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