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Chance for a free greenhouse!


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  • happy gardener
    Hi just been reading through the free green house thread dont want to sound like a know it all but a couple of points most of you seem to have missed. If offered a free green house take it regardless of how much glass is missing the remaining glass can be put into a pool and sold to plot holders profit going to allotment funds collect up the aluminium some can be sold for spares as above remainder to scrap yard when youve collected a nice big pile. Tricky buisness this recycling.
    Last edited by happy gardener; 24-11-2011, 06:40 PM.

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  • pagan dreams

    Blessings from Pagan Dreams
    blessings all new here and to the world of growing things.was brought here by a link from a thread i made about moving a greenhouse i was given.thought id say hi to u all and looking forward to the big lots off ideas for what to grow one of which is herbs for any spell/circle work and to sell online in our soon to be ebay shop. we have moved into our first home together (a council house with a huge garden) last year and times being hard for us has meant we are turning to home growing. have grown a few tomatoes in a plastic greenhouse before. cant wait
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    Last edited by SarzWix; 24-11-2011, 07:44 PM. Reason: Removing shop name, sorry, advertising not allowed.

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  • Mrs Dobby
    Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
    I'd like just one plot! 4 year waiting list for the place I really want!.....DDL
    Sorry to hear that DDL! Hope the waiting list shortnes somewhat and that you are able to get a plot sooner rather than later!

    Originally posted by nick the grief View Post
    Make the most of all that space Mrs D - It won't last

    Lol Nick, I already have visions of it stuffed full of toms, peppers, aubergines and chillis, and Mr D recons he wants to try growing a grape vine and some melons!

    Methinks your predictions will soon come true Nick! Good job we have the cheap plastic 6' by 4' one for the back yard as an overflow area! Lol

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  • nick the grief
    Make the most of all that space Mrs D - It won't last

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  • dexterdoglancashire
    I'd like just one plot! 4 year waiting list for the place I really want!.....DDL

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  • Mrs Dobby
    Thanks DDL! Still plenty of clearing to do, then perhaps a second plot.......

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  • dexterdoglancashire
    Well done Mr & Mrs D! the greenhouse and lottie are looking fab! DDL

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  • Mrs Dobby
    Thanks for the kind words Jennie!

    I'm afraid the flowers are on the half plot next to us, not on ours! The only things we have growing are onion stes, garlic, 2 foxgloves, strawbs, rasps and lots and lots of weeds!!

    I'll try and find out what they are if you'd like Jennie, tho we rarely see the neighbours, he's only there occassionally, and usually at odd times!
    Last edited by Mrs Dobby; 30-10-2006, 04:52 PM.

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  • JennieAtkinson
    Lovely photos Mrs D of the famous greenhouse! It looks great - so does the rest of your plot. What flowers do you still have on the go - they look superb.

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  • Earthbabe
    Sounds like a case of ulterior motive if you ask me.

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  • Mrs Dobby
    Thanks EB, we've set ourselves the challenge of clearing the biggest bed tomorrow, both on hols this week, so going to have a big push and get as much done as we can! The bed we plan on doing tomorrow is only 3 meters wide by about 16 meters long, hubby has bet me we cant do it, the loser gets to give the winner a massage! Mr D knows when I put my mind to it nothing will stop me (methinks I may take my headtorch with me, just incase it gets dark! lol!), so he's onto a loser unless it rains (which he is hoping for! lol!)

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  • Earthbabe
    Looks great Mrs D. And the plot looks great too. You have both worked extremely hard and should be proud of yourselves.

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  • Mrs Dobby
    Piccies of the 'famous' greenhouse, at last!

    Hi gang, well, finally got the door on the greenhouse, and managed to get a couple of pics of the finished article, 10' by 8' total cost approx £67 inc glass, fixings and all clips! Not too bad methinks as a new one that size is somewhat over £500!!!

    Anyhows, as requested piccies below!
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  • Mrs Dobby
    Lol Jennie, the camera was in the car with us, but it doesnt have a flash, so you wouldnt have seen anything if we'd tried taking any piccies! It was really dark by the time we finished, so I cant wait myself to see it in daylight in all its glory! lol! Promise I'll get some piccies up next time we are down there, hopefully that will be this weekend, but Mr D's folks are coming to stay for a couple of days from Hull, then when they go home my Mum is coming over from Corfu for a few days! We've a weeks hols booked, and all we want to do is get down to the plot and finish getting it cleared, yet it looks like we are going to be swamped with visitors! D'oh!

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  • JennieAtkinson
    Mrs D - you MUST give us a picture after all the stories. It is a FAMOUS greenhouse.

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