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Seed Circle Swap 1 2010-2011


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  • #61
    Wow Bob - loads of squash seeds there :-)


    • #62
      Sorry for the delay but I have misplaced my file/seeds!! Plus we hav had connection problems and my children are at home moving everything about.
      However I hope to get back to you all by the wekend if thats ok?

      Just a query really. I have a shared quarter plot and a garden which I could grow things in pots happily. I'm wondering how much space would be needed ideally on the plot to do this as we are trying to plan what we are doing at the moment.
      Its not in great condition as its a new overgrown one, trying to tckle couch grass etc. probably depends on what we will grow to seed share I supose? has to be easy and straight forward!

      Also ideaas as to what is suitable for container growing usual too. Sorry I'm such a novice
      All ideas graatefully received.
      Will get bcak to you as soon as stuff located, but just the usual.
      Thanks guys
      Sorry for the delay



      • #63

        Just pick something that you know you have space for - so a winter squash or maybe courgettes or something low maintenance but with good ground cover.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jillyreeves View Post
          I have been mulling over saving seeds from Peppers and Chillies but know that they easily cross. Not wanting to limit my self to one variety I started thinking about isolation cages and building my own.

          Great info on Zaz's first link on this but then I though of this

          Wilko Laundry Hamper Pop Up at Wilkinson Plus

          Do you think it would work, in door use only I suggest, up turned over a plant
          This looks to be a good idea if you have room indoors for it. I might get one if I see any for outdoors use providing I can peg it down some how.


          • #65
            I reckon this Seed Swap Circle is a great idea.

            I'm intrigued by the tomato called Piglet Willie's French Black. Does anyone have any history of this variety, and a description of shape, size, colour etc? Pardon my inquisitiveness; I have cat genes so am curious about everything I don't know. LOL
            Happiness is being with the love of your life. If you can't have that, then an unlimited supply of well-rotted manure is a pretty close second!


            • #66
              Originally posted by Janek View Post
              I reckon this Seed Swap Circle is a great idea.

              I'm intrigued by the tomato called Piglet Willie's French Black. Does anyone have any history of this variety, and a description of shape, size, colour etc? Pardon my inquisitiveness; I have cat genes so am curious about everything I don't know. LOL
              Piglet Willie is a Moderator on here, he picked these up on a trip to france. They are lovely tomatoes, really tasty. We don't know their original name so continue calling them PWFBs as if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have them ourselves.


              • #67
                Many thanks for this, Zazen. It all makes sense now.
                Happiness is being with the love of your life. If you can't have that, then an unlimited supply of well-rotted manure is a pretty close second!


                • #68
                  Well so far I've been given (thanks Flumm and FRosty Freckle)
                  Tom. Green Zebra
                  Alice Russian
                  Dwarf French Bean. Soldier
                  Warwick early
                  and will be growing these for me and seed anyway, OH is unimpressed as he will now have to sort the greenhouse, which got semi-killed in the winter gales.
                  I really want to grow courgettes, yellow if poss, and spring greens, spinach. Any suggestions?
                  And can someone explain the difference between heritage and heirloom?
                  I'm so excited now, why isnt it spring yet..(said in faintly whimpering tone)
                  Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                  • #69
                    Sorry for the delay.
                    Here's a list of seeds we have to pass on/grow this year. Got them from a nice lady on freecycle. Number after name is packets we have!

                    Mizuna - 8
                    Rocket mixed -6
                    Radish, edible leaf red stem - 2
                    Lollo rossa - 1
                    salad bowl red - 4
                    lettuce green leaves mixed - 3
                    Little Gem - 17, yes thats right 17!!!
                    lambs lettuce jade - 7
                    mixed salad - 3

                    Toms - moneymaker - 4
                    - alicante - 4
                    Chillis - hot thai culinary 5
                    - hot mixed 3
                    sweet pepper - marconi rosso -1
                    california wonder 1
                    Leeks - musselburgh -2
                    Spring onion white lisbon

                    Chives -2
                    Thyme -3
                    Parsley moss curled - 15!!
                    parsley plain leaved 2 - 16
                    Watercress aqua - 9
                    parsley giant of italy - 4
                    Basil minette - 2
                    Dill -2
                    rosemary 3

                    We have 2 quarter plots on different allotments that are shared. The new one will have 5 and a half beds. And we can give one bed to seed saving. The other beds will be

                    1. red cabbage, petit posey, collard vates

                    2. beetroot - boro f1, ruby queen, bulls blood, celeriac (not sure on variety yet?)

                    3. Spinach, chard, peas (varieties to be decided!)

                    4. Sweet corn (varieties tbc)

                    5.Seed collection??

                    6, A smaller bed due to compo bin (to be made!) Comfrey and cut and come again cauliflower.

                    Still not sure what to do for seed collection! If the above looks rubbish pplease let me know, all advice greatfully taken. Also have some achocha I'm gona try which flummery and frostyfreckle gave me gave me so fingers crossed on that,decided gainst the exploding type tho!. Have differnt stuff on lotty 1 mainly spuds, squashes, root veg, onions/garlic .


                    PS Am thinking of maybe doing squash as we were quite successful this year, but we foolishly ate all the seeds! Thinking of uchiki kuri (just ordered from more veg, only 3 seeds though? will that be enough?) Or maybe potimarron? haven't ordered seeds yet though?
                    Decided against the petit posey as seed a bit pricey for needs, so need somehing to put with red cabbage and collard vates! The search continues.....
                    Last edited by jackyspratty; 12-01-2010, 10:38 PM. Reason: added more seeds, and a ps



                    • #70
                      Okay, my seeds arrived from HSL, and Real Seeds.

                      So my growing list (of OP varieties) this year:

                      Purple Podded
                      (and a bunch that Poly already listed)

                      Beans (Climbing):

                      Madeira Maroon
                      Cherokee T of T
                      Cosse Violette
                      Purple Giant

                      Beans (Dwarf):



                      Purple Ukraine (purple plum type)
                      Amish Paste
                      Auntie Madge's

                      Peppers and Chillis:

                      Pepper: Nardello
                      ..........Soror Sarek
                      ..........Mini Orange
                      ..........Sweet Red Pointy
                      Chillis: Mushroom
                      .........Rocoto Red
                      .........Rocoto Yellow

                      I have to share now:

                      Beans (climbing): Bridgewater and Borlotti
                      Broad Beans: Crimson Flowered
                      Peas: Carruther's Purple Podded

                      and a handful of Brighstone Dwarf Beans.

                      PLEASE could anyone who'd like any of the above, speak now or hold your peace coz they'll be listed on the swap board very soon
                      Last edited by SarzWix; 20-01-2010, 06:36 PM.


                      • #71
                        Incidentally, there only needs to be one type saved for the purposes of this circle, in case those new to saving are getting scared!

                        As you can see, once you are hooked on seed saving, you can't stop yourselves.

                        I saw Jacks [one of the 16 in the circle] last night and she has chosen
                        Madeira Maroon Bean
                        Cherokee Trail of Tears Bean
                        Lancashire Lad Pea


                        • #72
                          Finally decided ..... I think

                          Ok Think we will grow potimarron squash. As only have 3 seeds of the other one i was interested in, and potimarron sounds lovely!

                          Just to check my naivity, it is better just to grow one sort of squash when seed saving isn't it? We have a bed on the other plot where we an mix them up a bit, but could just grow potimarron on number 2 plot to try and minimise crossing.
                          Is it best to get potimarron from real seed company?

                          Must admitwas starting to panic about it all a bit! But attempting 1 sort seems more achievable (stops sweating and getting in a flap!)

                          Thanks all



                          • #73
                            I thought I'd better point that out Donna!!!

                            Saving squash - you can grow from a few as you are going to isolate the flowers anyway by keeping them closed until you are ready, and then pollinating by hand, and closing them again after that; otherwise they will cross with anyone else's squashes in insect flying distance! So as you are doing it anyway, you can grow more than one type. More detailed instructions will follow nearer the time [I might even pop some pictures up].

                            Incidentally, some say that Potimarron and Uchi Kuri are very similar; but I'm not convinced; but I'm growing both this year.
                            Last edited by zazen999; 20-01-2010, 08:19 PM.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                              I thought I'd better point that out Donna!!!

                              Saving squash - you can grow from a few as you are going to isolate the flowers anyway by keeping them closed until you are ready, and then pollinating by hand, and closing them again after that; otherwise they will cross with anyone else's squashes in insect flying distance! So as you are doing it anyway, you can grow more than one type. More detailed instructions will follow nearer the time [I might even pop some pictures up].

                              Incidentally, some say that Potimarron and Uchi Kuri are very similar; but I'm not convinced; but I'm growing both this year.
                              Aah I see, its all making sense now, sorry for dimness! Starting to feel excited now! Thank god lotty 2 is in walking distance.... panicking about catching the flowers at right time now!
                              Lotty 1 we will be having a go at snowman, buttercup, vegetable spahetti and jack be little in garden. Only problem is lotty1 is a too far for me to get to by foot (Idont drive...face the fear donna, face the fear!!) so we are trying to plant stuff there that ismore self sufficiant so doubt if I could do the flower business there. But if we have luck in the garden could try jack be little?
                              Thanks for advice.



                              • #75
                                I think I shall grow Bird's Egg climbing bean and Magnum Bonum pea for the circle. Also some toms - but I haven't decided which yet. I have some new ones (to me) and I'm going to eat one or two before I decide!
                                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                       Updated March 9th - Spring


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