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  • #16
    i've tried bonsai a couple of times but it takes a lot of time and patience. It's a lot of work having to 'root prune' every year and keep moving them around to make sure they are in the right environment. This year I planted a maple in a large pot in the garden. I'm hoping for the bigger brother of a bonsai. Restricted growth but hopefully not as much work.


    • #17
      I'm sorry, but I can't see how bonsai are creepy (though definitely clowns!)

      My Dad once grew an oak tree, which he kept clipped in the form of 'bonsai's big brother'. It was a sweet little thing - about 3' tall - clipped sort of mushroom shape. I was ever so sad when they moved away from that house. You just reminded me of that.


      • #18
        I like bonsai but if anyone has infomation for this (seeds, bonsai) i am sorry but please PM me and no seed swaps I have no seeds that is why I set this up.

        Quote:If you go to the Library I'm sure they will have good books on Bonsai. by nick the greif
        I have aready got every book in my district about bonsai out from librairies so i'm armed!

        BONSAI CREEPY you can never have those two words in one sentence!
        Last edited by Lesley Jay; 29-10-2006, 11:26 AM.
        Hi! Please look at my 'brilliant' site about dolls houses and miniatures! I can always use new members, not matter how much you visit or not! Also, the more members I get the more things I can put on, so go on, do me a favor and at least look!


        • #19
          Originally posted by soobeth
          Quote:If you go to the Library I'm sure they will have good books on Bonsai. by nick the greif
          I have aready got every book in my district about bonsai out from librairies so i'm armed!
          And dangerous I bet!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #20
            Soobeth nobody has any seeds that they can send you. Look on the ground around trees yourself and you should find some seeds - plant an acorn that will grow and you can turn it into a bonsai tree. Read the books you have from the library.

            Unfortunately nobody on this forum is able to help with either seeds or information because nobody grows bonsai trees.


            • #21
              Not relevant but i know somebody who has some spanking good pea sticks


              • #22
                Wrong my friend, I grew pine trees from seeds donated from a so close relative twentytwo years ago. Those seeds came from Sicily. The plants have travelled from Surrey to yorkshire and back. Nowdays they are about 6 foot tall and with the resemblance of mature trees. They are called Gianni who gave me the seeds. Gianni died ( a very nice person working in the forestry in Italy ) The trees are is legacy. I also have a chestnut tree called Alan because he gave me the seed, both are alive with the difference that the tree is growing nicely and Alan going downhill. I also have Margaret, Mother in law, Luigi, My Brother, Etc but the story is going to be very best regards Don Vincenzo


                • #23
                  Anthony you are wicked!!!


                  • #24
                    Soobeth, did you manage to find any acorns or similar. We have lots of sycamore trees around the lottie so I can send you some sycamore seeds if you haven't found anything yet.
                    Bright Blessings

                    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                    • #25
                      So can I just get seeds from citrus fruits pop them in a freezer for a fortnight or winter and them plant in a green house? Also please cheak out if you want to tell me stuff PLEASE join I just made it!
                      Hi! Please look at my 'brilliant' site about dolls houses and miniatures! I can always use new members, not matter how much you visit or not! Also, the more members I get the more things I can put on, so go on, do me a favor and at least look!


                      • #26
                        Hello Soobeth, I tried to post on your Learn Bonsai Yahoo Group. Might just be me being thick tonight but I couldn't find a way to do it.

                        I'm sorry, I didn't know you were looking for tree seeds. I'm sure I can find you something. In the spring I always find lots of seedlings which have just started growing and I will remember you need them for Bonsai. I'll send you anything I have via L J.

                        Good luck with the Bonsai.

                        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                        • #27
                          Soobeth, if you want to cheat a bit & you have a LIDL store near you they have some lovely little bonsai trees in at the moment for £3.99. They came in on Saturday 25/11 though so you'd have to be quick! As eveyone says you can grow bonsai from most trees, just look around on the ground underneath any near you & you should be able to find acorns, chestnuts, sycamore seeds etc. at this time of year. Just pop them in a pot of compost & leave them outside in a coldframe or somewhere sheltered & they should start to come up next year.
                          Into every life a little rain must fall.


                          • #28
                            soobeth ,
                            bonsai are brilliant
                            if u want to get right into it without the waiting
                            buy a thyme plant from the garden centre
                            they have small leaves and therefore instant bonsai material u can follow the instructions in your books about root trimming and plant it up in bonsai pots or even margarine tubs
                            find a nice shape in the plant and just snip away (leave the same amount of leaves to roots )

                            happy bonsai soobeth



                            • #29

                              I found a self-seeded monkey puzzle seedling in my garden. I don't know if it would work as a bonsai, but you're welcome to it if you'd like to try it.
                              Last edited by FoxHillGardener; 29-11-2006, 12:53 PM. Reason: spelling - as always


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