I think nigella seeds which are used on naan breads are Nigella sativa, whereas the flowers in the garden, Love in a mist, are Nigella damascena. Does anyone know if the garden variety can be used as a substitute in cooking?
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nigella seeds
Some people eat them, some don't. Have a read of this Culinary Herbs and Their Uses. It won't tell you yes or no, but gives you information so you can make a more informed choice.
A lot of fruit and veg and herbs that we eat seem very toxic if the chemicals they contain are isolated and then tested in quantity. If we believed all the blurb, we'd never touch tomatoes, for instance, or chard, or spinach.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
A couple more links here:
Nigella damascena Love-In-A-Mist PFAF Plant Database
Nigella damascena - Practical PlantsAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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