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Parsley Disaster


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  • #16
    Can we start on the butt double entendres yet, please?


    • #17
      Originally posted by srodders View Post
      Can we start on the butt double entendres yet, please?
      Yeah but no but yeah but no but....
      I take it that's what you mean ?
      Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        Would you really water your plants with bleach or *****?

        I wouldn't.
        That's just what I was thinking. Hygiene gone mad.
        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


        • #19
          I feel a bit misunderstood. Let me expand.
          Well folks your tap water at home is treated with chlorides which is just diluted (stress diluted) bleach. It is a good cleansing agent and the reason why tap water used for watering produces less algal problems is just because of the chloride. You can smell it as it leaves the tap...
          At horticulture school we were taught to rinse all garden implements, watering equipment and pots in it before use and I have never had any problems using it to do this or keep algae from forming in the water butt.
          ***** fluid is another matter and I am not sure about its uses and would not like to comment further without research.
          I do not consider this as "hygiene gone mad" as it reduces problems like the one this thread started on (algal problems on parsley) and also damping off etc. I wasn't overly concerned for the gardener although there is a potential risk of Legionnaires Disease from potting mixes/composts and is a water borne bacteria (mostly resident in air conditionning systems).
          Good gardening in my view is about giving your plants the best opportunity to thrive and not just chancing it. Obviously there are limits to how much trouble one takes and one can only decide that for oneself.
          I was after all only suggesting a small amount like a capful (10ml) which in 100L is not going to harm plants any more than tap water would, similarly the dilution of ***** that was suggested is similar.
          I hope this dispels the misunderstanding that seems to have evolved.


          • #20
            think this is all about over watering and poor air circulation...


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